Просмотр полной версии : The latent infections

It is lovely Kamilova
09.11.2004, 00:56
To question ORZ.

Was at the doctor,

In occasion of vydeleny has told or said that -or they have no attitude or relation to threat.

Has told or said that it is necessary to hand over the analysis on the latent infections after US of 12 weeks, and there is no sense earlier since it is impossible to treat. Whether it is necessary to wait for 3 weeks?

And has still assumed, that can so to leave utrozhestan, but I doubt, he white, and allocation yellowish.

Sensations from these or it vydeleny any are not present and 1-2 times a week periodicity on what is not similar. What is it such?

26.11.2004, 05:04
1-2 times a week without troubles - are valid, postpone a question about full 12 weeks.

22.01.2005, 01:01
Hello! Here up to a heap has read through that after reception of Aevitum is necessary will be protected 6., and I in February strongly was hurted or was ill;was sick with a breast. US would show, but for prophylaxis has spent on drink a course of Aevitum.

Conception 1. Can my problems because of it or this. Also prompt that now it is necessary to survey and than this Aevitum so it is dangerous???:confused:

24.01.2005, 21:30
Anything especial to do or make it is not necessary. After a course has passed or has taken place 2 months up to zachatija.ne it is necessary to think of it or this already.

26.01.2005, 06:43
All has terminated badly.:mad: Was going to to do or make US for 12-13 weeks. This day has woken up in the morning in a pool of a blood. Moreover there was a big clot (84) have taken away in hospital have pinned preparations, but nevertheless at night the bleeding has repeated. Have told or said, that if now will not clean, then it is necessary kesorit, and to wait already term critical. Struggle with them I could not was afraid of consequences.

All pregnancy was any not such with constant threat.

The first was absolutely normal.

I wish to try or taste through 6. Once again, only already all to plan.

What in my case it is necessary to check up, what analyses to hand over what as it is possible to reduce an opportunity of repetition of such result???:confused: