Просмотр полной версии : High parameter of Testosteron-Depotum

20.01.2005, 22:28
I would like to consult at you. The matter is that nachainaja from 14 years or summer age I had a path from dark hair from a belly-button. Having talked about it or this with mum she has convinced me of that, what is it splash in hormones of awkward age, all will pass or take place. But nothing passes or takes place, now to me 19 years, hair appear literally everywhere, on the face, on a back, I am simple in a shock. Having handed over analyses on Testosteron-Depotum in this summer in the summer parameters were 42,7 though the norm or rate on how much to me is known nearby 0,25. After delivery of analyses I have gone to the gynecologist, she has registered to me " to Diana 35 " or "ZHanin", to drink in current of year, and after again prejti on consultation. As has assured me that at many women Testosteron-Depotum is raised or increased. And I here so think is raised or increased he can at many, but dark hair almost on all body not at many. Mum insists on that I did not drink contraceptive since is too young, but I cannot see any more as on my body there are all new hair. Prompt me:
1) to drink to me " to Diana 35 ", "ZHanin" or not. Or there is what that other preparations or methods of treatment?? Whether will stop these preparations occurrence of dark hair?
2) Me prejdetsja to drink tablets all life or after sorts or labors all is normalized?

21.01.2005, 13:24
First peresdajte a hormone, digit too greater or big, most likely a mistake or an error of laboratory. peresdajte. And if he will be raised or increased not on any number from norm or rate, and In how much time - to go it is necessary not to the gynecologist, and to the general or common endocrinologist and seriously to be surveyed. There are other hormonal preparations, stronger. The pilosis anywhere will not get to, it is an irreversible attribute, with it or him it is possible to consult only an epilation, but prevent development of new displays giperandrogenii hormonal therapy can. But all over again it is necessary to understand with the diagnosis. peresdacha the analysis and consultation of the GENERAL or COMMON endocrinologist, instead of the gynecologist-endocrinologist. They are different doctors.