Просмотр полной версии : Question to Boris Kamenetskomu

09.01.2005, 05:56
Hello, Boris.

We with the husband have addressed to you in occasion of IKSI. Now we hand over necessary analyses. In me have found out ureplazmu, for me it is full unexpectedness as earlier I handed over these analyses and all was normal. I so understand, that is necessary is treated before to return to IKSI. Prompt, where in your opinion, it is better for making in Petersburg and whether it is necessary to do or make crop of fastness to antibiotics at this infection or treat without it or this. And last question. Whether on longly this treatment will transfer or carry our plans for bill IKSI, I planned to come to you in the beginning of September already with all analyses, whether now I doubt I shall be in time, for me it is important enough to know terms of the beginning of the report as I am going to before it or this will leave (serious enough working conditions, I am afraid it will damage or injure;hurt to conception and possible or probable pregnancy).


21.01.2005, 13:00
Uv. Michel!

Call please with me and the problem will be solved.