Просмотр полной версии : Prompt what to do or make (the wrong diagnosis)

Artem I
30.09.2004, 09:09
The matter is that my wife, passing or taking place the next dispensary, has decided to make at the gynecologist analyses on various sorts of disease (passed as sexual by, and is not present - according to the gynecologist). Analyses - paid. Having come behind results of analyses, the wife has been dumbfounded by that there is at it or her a gonorrhea and she should address in KVD to make provocation (it seems so it is called) and to be treated. The diagnosis has been written down in a map. We with her completely trust each other and about any casual communication or connection anybody and does not think, therefore the probability to catch is insignificant. And naturally for us it was a shock. Analyses (paid) in KVD (+ paid consultation) have shown, that no gonorrhea at my wife is present.

Tell or Say please, whether we can strebovat with poliklinniki (military poliklinnika 5 on May Day) money for wrong analyses and that we have spent in KVD.

Whether there is in general any responsibility for the wrong diagnosis, whether those it is possible to address with such reason in court in default.

In advance thanks.

Dr. Peters or Petrov
10.10.2004, 12:27
Uv. zhertva!

I believe, that from the military organization to you *quot; ?OONioaOy*quot; nothing udastsja as repeat inspection you could and on an insurance policy in official body.

16.11.2004, 06:55
I here have consulted at a legal forum.

Such action is regarded as poor-quality medical service, and under the law on protection of the rights of the consumer all expenses, including cost of services in KVD and mental cruelty, should be compensated. And in occasion of the policy and usual poliklinniki, I doubt, that there these analyses would cost more cheaply (if they even in military poliklinnike cost or stand considerable money). And besides the doctor himself has advised to address in this KVD.

Well we shall look or see, that will tell or say - today we shall go to challenge the rights.

22.11.2004, 21:49

You would hand over analyses PTSR on all originators, instead of fingered soul in the Military out-patient department

07.12.2004, 02:30
Such happens enough often, especially in state ucherezhdenii.

The reasons there can be a set from 7 vzjatogomazka and viewing by its or his not qualified laboratory assistant dro the moment when the smear is confused with other patient, but y any case you should not swear and row, your rights to the face and easy and silently should return to you of money for inspection.

I am am impressed with other situation.

In Kiev there is a laboratory *quot; a??a*quot; .eto laboratory with good reputation ivysokim a level of diagnostics (the laboratory is engaged only in diagnostics).

ak here to me the woman comes and brings the analysis on VPCH executed by the private or individual medical clinic named *quot; German medical ????a*quot; (near republican stadiona, Dimitrova 5).

Short in the following.

The analysis on VPCH is executed in laboratory Dila.

The price for the analysis, which has paid the patient above Dilovskoj the prices on 80 (!!!!) griven (it is 18 u.e).

And so these comrades having taken on 20 dollars have not worked at all more to copy the analysis on the form, and have simply torn off Dilovsky a die and have given or remote the patient.

Here it is already medical gangsterism.

And you had extremely neprijatnayja a mistake or an error.

16.12.2004, 08:03
Unfortunately, diagnostics practically UGI leaves all to wish a lot of of best Of each four analyses on a clamidiosis are erroneous 1-2, on a mycoplasmosis - 1-2, on trihomoniaz not less than 3. A gonorrhea on the basis of a microscopy of the painted smear (MOM) in general to put it is impossible - the obligatory control crop (probability of a mistake or an error is required at crop somewhere 1 of 4). If the diagnosis has been put on the basis of MOM this rasping disturbance, and you have the right to demand both compensation of cost of the analysis and moral indemnification. If on the basis of crop - that you can apply only for compensation of mental cruelty if, certainly, will prove, that the doctor has not informed your wife on an opportunity of a laboratory mistake or error, and at the moment of the reference or manipulation to it or him;them, at it or her has not been fixed or recorded signs of disease.

11.01.2005, 11:15
You know, the destiny has reduced meja with one ochn wise chelovkom, dialogue with which vkardinalno has changed my vital principles. I shall not name it or him imni, it is not correct, but I wish to tell or say to you, that this chlovek is never littered, does not swear - he puts provenivshegosja in so silly and desperate situation in which it is complex or difficult to make a decision not favourable to this person.

I cannot give you advice or councils in the given question. If you were in Kiev, we certainly would solve with you a problem, but through the Internet, I consider or count, it is inexpedient.

11.01.2005, 21:02
How much or As far as I, the person, nothing understanding similar affairs, have understood, in poliklinnike to my wife diagnosed method PTSR. And about any probability of a mistake or an error my wife have not warned, and have told or said shortly and clearly: *quot; Go treat. As cure so come... *quot;. In KVD spent inspection by other method (I do not know precisely what).

Having read through the application or statement written in especially tactful tone, the head physician has looked or seen at my wife as if send or have come to beg, instead of that by the right should be returned. Have told or said, that will understand, on Thursday it is necessary to call.

And I consider or count what in this case easier or simply to expose the person in humiliating light for it or him not that that insufficiently, perhaps even it is impossible. It or he cannot neither be overpersuaded, nor to prove something.

13.01.2005, 11:20
Then wait Thursday. Receive on arms or hand results *quot; Oa?i?OaON?y?Ooa*quot;, and further - on circumstances.

13.01.2005, 16:35
Certainly, till Thursday of anything to do or make it is not necessary.

13.01.2005, 18:26
Nuu, basically, predictably, have given us *quot; from hiluses oOO*quot;...

Rested on that, what is it there was not a final diagnosis (though in a direction black on yellow it is written: *quot; honoccae - ???ON?y?*quot;), have sent on doobsledovanie (though have clearly told or said - go treat). At all thus there was a whole commission of doctors. We, have in turn told or said, that poliklinnika has written the written application or statement in refusal of payment.

I do not know, whether it is necessary to understand further at such attitude or relation of the state institutes to citizens.

13.01.2005, 18:40
I do not understand - that subtilize. Address to the good lawyer - he will look or see available documents and will define or determine - whether there is in general an opportunity to seize the . If is - he and will borrow or occupy. Well will give him any part, but and to you the most part will return, and be morally satisfied.

13.01.2005, 18:48
If you consider or count yourselves as a part of the state costs or stands. However, for this purpose at the first stage, probably, it is necessary to be spent a little (most easier - for the lawyer). Demand, competently make out and collect any documents concerning business. Probably, backdating in a case history corresponding or meeting postscripts, type *quot will be made; complaints to that;, or *quot; it is recommended to be rechecked by a method such-O*quot;. For revealing such fakes (the equipment or installation of prescription of the text) there are special methods of examination. Explain, that you are adjusted or set up resolutely, chotby u-yes respondents did not aggravate the position. The agreement of lawsuit too do not refuse, if it to you not at a loss. If respondents - not absolutely idiots, they on it will go, and for one, perhaps, will recollect, that they not in a stable work.

Because of false, or not honesty interpreted analyses (especially, in such delicate sphere), arises set of family dramas, divorces therefore, private life of many people flies under a slope, and children remain orphans at alive parents.

13.01.2005, 18:56
Thanks for advice or councils. Navrenoe, and we shall act or arrive.

13.01.2005, 18:56

If will not complicate - inform on results.