Просмотр полной версии : Probability of a fertilization after the termination or discontinuance of reception mersilona

09.01.2005, 23:10
Kind time of day!
My question in the following:
I the young man. I partnersha within approximately three months accepted mersilon (for restoration of a menstrual cycle). Approximately one month ago she has stopped treatment and I would like to learn or find out, how in this connection the probability of a fertilization has changed. Speech not about what we risk at completely not protected sex - here still more and more less clearly, and it is more likely simple about the theory. I.e. I would like to learn or find out, how the periods so-called biological stirilnosti at mine partnershi can exchange, whether they can disappear in general, etc.? Easier or Simply if to draw an analogy with preparations of type postinora there, after single reception the general or common probability zaberemennet at women considerably raises or increases, even during the "safe" periods.

Thanks for attention.
All of the considered and pleasant life in NG and always.

10.01.2005, 13:18
The safe periods does not happen. In any day of a cycle is possible nothing zaberemenet.i after reception of hormonal preparations varies, in the first cycle the probability to become pregnant raises or increases nenamnogo, further all again becomes as earlier.
The calendar method of preservation does not exist. If you till now "carried by", it is called so.

11.01.2005, 04:42
I shall not begin to argue certainly with you, but about natural stirilnost in the certain days of a cycle I not from friends have heard and at all in man's magazine subtracted or deducted, and have learned or have found out from the book. She was called " all about contraception " or something in this sort. There (in one of sections) it was spoken about days in which oplodoltvorenie in it is physiologically impossible if at partnershi it is not brought down anything... Unfortunately substantiations which there was resulted or brought, I any more do not remember, but the short has put was that couple of days prior to the beginning of monthly and the pair after just and is the safe period when it is possible to not be protected. Not that that I strongly would take a great interest or be fond in it or this, but time 10-15 for two years precisely checked. And it is valid, as you speak, "carried by".

Can be, you go to tell or say, what the probability to become pregnant in such days considerably goes down, but is not reduced to zero?

But here in one of yours zametok on a site you write: " the Fertilization is possible or probable only during an ovulation ". Whether it means, what all ostalno time the fertilization is not possible or probable, and for preservation it is necessary to establish or install precisely the period of an ovulation to not be engaged nezashchilennym sex at this time? (I try to approve or confirm nothing, it is a question).

And more one question would like to set. Not that that I have planned such way out or it has for me the big practical sense, simply for a long time reflected: how much big injury or damage causes health of the girl reception of a preparation of type postinor. Single reception, I mean.


11.01.2005, 22:41
I know that this "method" is described in books, and nevertheless he does not exist. Spermatozoons live in sexual ways female till 7 days, therefore at a sexual life even once a week pregnancy is possible or probable at the sexual certificate or act in any day of a cycle though the fertilization is possible or probable only during an ovulation - but also the ovulation is unpredictable (whatever was the last years lives), and spermatozoons easy in a female organism up to it or her live.
It would be possible to formulate that probability in any days below, than in others, but she below not so that these calculations to use in the contraceptive purposes - understand? There is such tendency to different probability, but not so expressed that it was a method of contraception. Therefore I also formulate rigidly - such method does not exist. People become pregnant and in the first day of a cycle and in last, that absolutely like it would be impossible on a calendar method.
In general it not absolutely a place for discussions - you have asked a question, I have responded to it or him. There is enough often different doctors give different answers to the same question, you can use or not use their information.

All is in detail written (and about postinor too) in clause or article Modern contraception at me on a site - look or see.
http: // www.mariamm.ru/doc_48.htm