Просмотр полной версии : Puerperal endometritis

16.12.2004, 04:34
Help or Assist please!

After sorts or labors on 10 day the phenomena of an endometritis - plentiful purulent discharges without rise in temperature and deterioration of the general or common status have begun. Without analyses, only after vaginalnogo survey treatment has been appointed or nominated: zinatsef 3 days, zinnat 3 days, terzhinan 1 week, syringings. Have renewed krovjanistye allocation which gradually decreased in volume. Today has passed or has taken place two weeks after the termination or discontinuance of treatment, allocation poor or scanty -mucous. The smear is made, results on arms or hand are not given out. According to the doctor - the residual phenomena. He has appointed or nominated sumamed 3 days, terzhinan 7 days and syringings. Whether such treatment is justified. The general or common status good, is not present temperature. I am afraid to accept again antibiotics as I nurse. What to do or make?

09.01.2005, 15:13
Not clearly, what is this course of treatment of an endometritis by duration 3 days??????!!!!!!!!

Whether it has been spent by US of a small basin before so-called treatment??

Well data of smears to learn or find out.

And when you accepted antibiotics, whether you nursed??

For the information or inquiry: the Puerperal endometritis the serious disease demanding hospitalization. And not 3 days.

In view of not numerous clinical data it is not recommended to appoint or nominate Sumamed during pregnancy and a lactemia unless the expected effect exceeds possible or probable risk of application of a preparation.