Просмотр полной версии : Vesceral ptosis

14.11.2004, 20:46
In 24 years at a roentgenoscopy of a stomach the doctor to me has told or said, that at me a small ptosis of all organs from a stomach and below. After a birth of the second child the uterus in general has dropped out. Doctors have advised only massage, exercises for strengthening muscles of a stomach or belly and corresponding or meeting poses. Well and to not lift gravity. Now I to feeling. What is the pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly, in a loin, a chronic cystitis, nevoshchmozhnost to live a normal sexual life are caused by a falling of the womb and urinary puzyr. However both the gynecologist, and the urologist spend inspection in a prone position and obviously do not pay attention to this nuance. But you how it is correct could prompt and at what doctor to pass or take place inspection for reception of the exact diagnosis and what methods of treatment are offered with modern medicine?

20.12.2004, 04:27
Dear EKIS,

To diagnose abaissements/fallings of the womb and tsistotsele, usual survey of the gynecologist and, probably, the urologist is necessary only. Ultrasonic research here cannot help or assist. How old are you?

21.12.2004, 09:52
To me of 47 years. Can be at survey it is necessary to pay attention of the doctor to this aspect?

22.12.2004, 06:36
Dear EKIS,

Explain, that you understand under *quot; abaissement ?aO?*quot;? Your sensations: what do you feel in a prone position, sitting, costing or standing? Your doctor spoke you, what you have an abaissement?

All the matter is that really effective treatment at abaissement/ptosis is operative... And the choice of a kind of plastic operation depends on age and a degree of a ptosis or abaissement.

Ivanov Marina
22.12.2004, 16:14
The matter is that after the second sorts or labors me vypisalina the fifth day without survey of the gynecologist and having come back home I have decided to spend usual hygienic procedures in the evening and with horror have seen, how shejka uteruses there is outside all more strongly and more strongly. I have there and then laid down, vyoko having enclosed or laid pillows under a basin, have slightly massaged a stomach or belly to lift all on a place, and in the morning I have shipped in the machine or car and have brought to the gynecologist. To go it was very difficult, there was a sensation, that only effort of muscles of a perineum I keep all interiors and I do not allow them to drop out.

The gynecologist has confirmed a prolapse of the uterus, has recommended poses, exercises, massage, to lift nothing and to lay while more and more more or less is not normalized.

Also has told or said, that now to me anybody in 33 years will not do or make filing, but only after forty.

Now at me periodically such sensations, that when I sit, I sit directly on a bladder.

Gravity in the bottom of a stomach or belly, pains, constant unpleasant sensations after an emiction and defecations. And after the sexual certificate or act such pains and an exacerbation of a cystitis can begin, that then dolgoi I am persistently flied or treated.

Prompt what to do or make? To itself to address?

22.12.2004, 16:14

In this situation the optimum decision (a method of a choice) - plastic operation. The purpose of operation - restoration of anatomy and physiological function of muscles tazovogo bottoms or funduses. As a rule, if is tsistotsele simultaneously reduce also volume of a bladder.

Similar operations spend in gynecology departments, clinics. To address costs or stands in clinic, where such operations - daily job. In Almate I, unfortunately, know nobody and to prompt you to itself I can not address.

22.12.2004, 16:22
Tell or Say please, and whether do or make 0 at a nephroptosis? Up to the first sorts or labors to me have diagnosed *quot; a ptosis of a right kidney on 9 ??*quot;. It was made by the doctor on US.

Now, in 4 years, I am am disturbed quite often with unpleasant morbid sensations at the sexual certificate or act, I suspect, what exactly in the field of a right kidney.