Просмотр полной версии : varikotsele

21.10.2004, 20:47
O.Loginov (angio@login.pptus.ru) - - ---Uv. Colleagues! For the last few years I deal with a problem varikotsele in the various age groups, new techniques of surgical treatment. What in your opinion optimum age of the patient for korrektsiii the given pathology by way of restoration of function of a testicle? Yours faithfully, O.Loginov *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto:angio@login.pptus.ru*quot; *gt; angio@login.pptus.ru*lt;/A*gt;

01.12.2004, 07:11
The divisional (uchastkovy@hotmail.com) - - ---If function suffers, that, I think, the earlier, the better about time of operation I did not see researches. Improvement of parameters of a semen is reached or achieved in 70 % after surgery mobility in 70 %, concentration in 51 %, morphology in 44 %. Though chances of a fertilization of 40 % - 50 % Tulloch, 1955; Brown, 1976; Glezerman et al, 1976; Dubin and Amelar, 1977; Cockett et al, 1979; Marks, 1986. According to or Agree Madgar et al, 1995 from 45- patients with difficulty of a fertilization and the normal hormonal status frequency of achievement of pregnancy after 1 year - 10 % in control group, 60 % at surgery. Yours faithfully, the Divisional.

09.12.2004, 19:53
O.Loginov - - ---Uv. The divisional! The quantity or amount of patients addressing with complaints to relapse varikotsele after routine operations and suffering sterility or barrenness recently has considerably increased. Whether expediently preliminary conservative treatment at androloga before adequate surgical correction? Yours faithfully, O.Loginov

11.12.2004, 05:50
The divisional (Uchastkovy@hotmail.com) - - ---If varikotsele has caused or called sterility or barrenness operation is a unique effective method of treatment. *lt; FONT SIZE = and quot; +1*quot; *gt; *lt; FONT FACE = and quot; Monotype Corsiva*quot; *gt; yours faithfully, the Divisional. And lt;/FONT*gt; *lt;/FONT*gt; *lt; FONT COLOR = and quot; ffffff*quot; *gt; *lt; FONT FACE = and quot; WINGDINGS*quot; *gt; *lt;/FONT*gt; *lt;/FONT*gt;

12.12.2004, 16:20
Elena, - - ---Dear doctors. I the doctor-pediatrist, a question from your elements. Pregnancy does not come 4 years. I am surveyed. Andrologi speak, that a semen fertilna. Comment please : on 7,6-7,8 -n:130???/ml .:78 of % .:50 % :90 % such tendency in all spermogrammah. Yours faithfully, Elena.

13.12.2004, 18:53
O.Loginov - - ---As is known, link sided varikotsele in the certain percent or interest of cases is display regionarnoj a renal venous hypertensia. Whether there was at you an experience of operative treatment of such contingent of patients? Yours faithfully, O.Loginov

14.12.2004, 18:50
Elena - - ---you are absolutely right about regionarnoj hypertensias which posposobsvovala itself at a sort, but you, possibly, have not understood me. I the pediatrist, instead of the surgeon, and the case described by me - my own. Yours faithfully, Elena.

14.12.2004, 19:31
The divisional (Uchastkovy@hotmail.com) - - ---Norm or Rate 20???/ml; .50 %; 40 % the Semen fertilna. *lt; FONT SIZE = and quot; +1*quot; *gt; *lt; FONT FACE = and quot; Monotype Corsiva*quot; *gt; Yours faithfully, the Divisional. And lt;/FONT*gt; *lt;/FONT*gt; *lt; FONT COLOR = and quot; ffffff*quot; *gt; *lt; FONT FACE = and quot; WINGDINGS*quot; *gt; *lt;/FONT*gt; *lt;/FONT*gt;

14.12.2004, 21:03
The divisional (Uchastkovy@hotmail.com) - - ---the Renal venous hypertensia is an attribute of much more serious diseases to which should pay attention first of all. From varikotsele people do not die. From a cirrhosis - still as! I do not think, that surgical treatment if so it is necessary, will differ. *lt; FONT SIZE = and quot; +1*quot; *gt; *lt; FONT FACE = and quot; Monotype Corsiva*quot; *gt; yours faithfully, the Divisional. And lt;/FONT*gt; *lt;/FONT*gt; *lt; FONT COLOR = and quot; ffffff*quot; *gt; *lt; FONT FACE = and quot; WINGDINGS*quot; *gt; *lt;/FONT*gt; *lt;/FONT*gt;

14.12.2004, 22:04
By I.I.Buziashvili (ibuzy@com2com.ru) - - ---At the spent meta-analysis the modular analysis of several large researches it is revealed, that treatment varikotsele authentically leads to improvement of parameters spermogrammy, but does not lead to rising of frequency of offensive or approach of pregnancy. As the demonstrative medicine learns or teaches, in an estimation of efficiency of various methods of treatment it is necessary to be guided by an end result in this case, on frequency of offensive or approach beremennostej, instead of on various laboratory and tool parameters. Yours faithfully, I.B.

14.12.2004, 22:35
O.Loginov - - ---Within 3th years from 25 patients with link sided varikotsele suffering sterility or barrenness and transferred or carried various interventions on left jaichkovoj to a vein, about a positive take have informed 11. Yours faithfully, O.L.

14.12.2004, 22:37
Olga (pogodina@usa.net) - - ---Hello! Comment, please, on a situation. To the husband 31 year. In spermogramme full absence of spermatozoons, individual cells of a spermiogenesis, leucocytes 4-6, in juice of a prostate of leucocytes 21-26, very strong bilaterial varikotsele. 13 years ago operation in occasion of varikotsele has been spent. The doctor speaks, that now operation is not meaningful and necessary to treat a prostatitis, but in occasion of treatment azoospermii so anything and has not explained. Certainly, the prostatitis should be cured, whether but in the given situation he is the reason of sterility or barrenness? And whether it is possible to diagnose a prostatitis only by result of the analysis survey, US it has not been spent? In advance thanks.

14.12.2004, 22:38
(vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Olga, In the given situation a prostatitis it is possible to assume V.Dvorjanchikov with a high degree of probability. But for disability to a fertilization it can appear enough and bilateral varikotsele. Usually at varikotsele and a prostatitis it is possible to achieve good results, after passage of a homeopathic course with use of preparations of family Aurum is better Aurum colloidale 12 or 30 which it is possible to add with other homeopathic preparations or Trichopolum since without Trichomonases similar diseases, apparently, do not manage. Consult at the local homeopathists having positive experience in this sphere. Possibly, it is still possible to correct. Success.

14.12.2004, 22:41
I.I.Buziashvili (ibuzy@com2com.ru) - - ---the Question to Dr. Loginov. What means a positive take at treatment varikotsele at those 11 of 25 men - achievement of pregnancy at partnershi? Certainly, in treatment varikotsele -controllable research to spend it is impossible, but whether there was a control group which even consulted at androloga to the same periodicity, as soperirovannye patients? The question, in my opinion, important, considering an invasiveness of treatment, and also data Nieschlag et al which have informed, that treatment varikotsele concerning offensive or approach of pregnancy not laboratory shifts has the same efficiency, as well as simple consultation. Thanks.

14.12.2004, 22:43
O.Loginov - - ---Yes, certainly, under a positive take I meant achievement of pregnancy at partnershi. All patients consulted at androloga before operative treatment and have been directed on operative treatment andrologom. Recently by us are used minimally invasive or aggressive metodiki-rentgenendovaskuljarnaja embolization, retrogradnaja skleroterapija. Yours faithfully, O.Loginov

14.12.2004, 22:44
I.I.Buziashvili (ibuzy@ipc.ru) - - ---And if there was a control group of patients by which treatment in occasion of varikotsele has not been spent with what was frequency of achievement of pregnancy at them? In fact it is proved, that in due course practically all married couples if are not present azoospermii, certainly under condition of healthy partnershi and oligozoospermias reach or achieve pregnancy independently... Yours faithfully, I.B.

14.12.2004, 22:44
O.Loginov - - ---In such control group patients with 1 and 2 stage varikotsele at which it is not marked or celebrated appreciable changes in analyses of semen Fariss BL, Fenner DK could get. The greatest changes are observed at 3 stages and a massive reflux on left jaichkovoj to a vein. According to Madgar I, Weissenberg R., 1995, within a year of observation above control neoperirovannoji group of patients last operative treatment, results were sledjushchimi: 10 % of offensive or approach of pregnancy in control and 60 % in investigated or researched. Yours faithfully, O.Loginov

14.12.2004, 22:44
Julia (s_heart55@hotmail.com) - - ---Hello! At my husband - varikotsele and an inguinal hernia. Whether it is possible to become pregnant without operation? What our chances? Where to him is better to go on inspection? With what it is necessary to begin? In advance thanks.

14.12.2004, 22:44
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Julia! As well as always in a similar situation I recommend to pass or take place *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; complex i??Nnoa??N*lt;/A*gt;. In your situation it is possible to begin with spermogrammy. Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;