Просмотр полной версии : Monthly after exaltation

08.12.2004, 11:36
Hello. Advice or council is necessary to me. After exaltation or the sexual certificate or act next day at me as though begin monthly. Pains are not present but appear krovenistye vydilenija poor or scanty horaktera and proceed day for other day all purely or cleanly, and on following can repeat. Monthly have appeared with 15 ti years, year went on a regular basis then delays till one year began increase or be enlarged. Now to me 23 ti year. A sexual life I live only a floor of year, but this problem me disturbed and till a sexual life. I ask you advice or council. Whether that is dangerously that occurs or happens to me?

10.12.2004, 10:05
At you seryoznye hormonal problems. Inspection is necessary: Hormones of a blood, US, a colposcopy, a roentgen, etc.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.