Просмотр полной версии : Biopsy of a testicle

29.11.2004, 20:05
At us fruitless marriage or spoilage!!! I in a stage of treatment have made a laparoscopy in occasion of bilaterial adherent or adhesive process (2-3 degrees) and as it has appeared, nuruzhnogo and an internal endometriosis (3 degrees) .kolju depot- 1 in month (only 6 months) In November I finish. All can also is good, but the problem and in the husband, moreover is worse. At it or him azoospermija, doctors advise to make a biopsy of a testicle, but warn, that the probability positive -that is small. Now the husband considers or counts, at such indications there is no sense and at all to do or make a biopsy, he strongly is afraid of a pain, and the pavor to remain with it or him after that an impotent, speaks it not justified claim, and the belief of doctors considers or counts-pumping out money. Therefore he agrees both adoption, and on a donor semen, and ready to give me svovodu, I motivate, that at me all to turn out, it is necessary to be treated only. But I consider or count, that it is not necessary to use this chance, but I can convince it or him, likely and I have no the right to press. At us attitudes or relations have become complicated, but anybody accuses nobody of childlessness, I would like to speak with it or him about a problem, and he is closed, keeps silent does not wish to speak, and to not hurry up to do or make. If to the doctor that with scandal. HELP or ASSIST, pozhalujta advice or council. Someone can will prompt, whether is dangerous than the biopsy, how long to last, whether is morbid. And in general how to be further?:confused:

10.12.2004, 01:39
Uv. danaya!

At it or him azoospermija, doctors advise to make a biopsy of a testicle, but warn, that the probability positive -that is small.

In the given situation it is valid neobhodimo to spend a diagnostic biopsy of an epididymis and-or a testicle. It is unique it is necessary to remember that is better to spend this research in the center in which you in the further plan to spend procedure eko/??? since if a course of operation spermatozojdy will be found, they can be frozen, that will relieve your husband of a repeated operative measure. Our center within last five years spends successfully spends such interventions.

Now the husband considers or counts, at such indications there is no sense and at all to do or make a biopsy, he strongly is afraid of a pain, and the pavor to remain with it or him after that an impotent

The pavor to remain an impotent is proved by nothing. Such complications after that interventions are not described.

Someone can will prompt, whether is dangerous than the biopsy, how long to last, whether is morbid. And in general how to be further?

Only under the general or common narcosis, therefore about a pain conversation does not go at all.

What are possible or probable complications at a puncture of a testicle and an epididymis?

Hp on that these or it p concern to minimally invasive or aggressive (p), small p p p complications all the same exists.

Possible or Probable complications of operations on a testicle and its or his appendage:

Hematomas of a scrotum arise in p p fine p vessels, that happens during p with pp skins of a scrotum is more often. Usually hematomas are treated p and completely resolve within 2-3 weeks.

pp (p) hematomas result from local hemorrhages at a puncture of a testicle. In most cases they not p p a palpation, are p, and completely disappear p 6 months. However at p patients vnutrijaichnikovye hematomas p longer p and though it is very rare, can become the reason of an atrophy of a testicle.

p p p p more often after p with a cut or section of a skin. Prophylaxis of this complication to be spent by purpose or appointment of antibiotics in the postoperative period.

10.12.2004, 05:27

Thanks you big for the response.

Can, - opportunities, you describe procedure (operation?)

*quot; i???n*quot;-morbidity, terms of restoration, etc.

About treatment-more likely of all it will be the Center of obstetrics and gynecology (Moscow, m *quot; e?yo*quot;).

10.12.2004, 06:49
My husband did or made a biopsy of a testicle. If want, write on soap rizik_i@mail.ru.