Просмотр полной версии : Lejkoplaksija

13.11.2004, 07:05
Good afternoon.

The doctor has diagnosed LEJKOPLAKSIJA. Prompt please, whether this disease with onkalogiej, than dangerously and how it or him to treat is connected?

Besides erosion which cauterized earlier takes place, but, probably have not finished the cure.

How this set of illnesses or diseases can will be reflected in the future pregnancy and vynashivanii a fetus?


09.12.2004, 06:52
The leukoplakia concerns to background diseases shejki uteruses, that is any data that tomorrow or in the far future will be onkozabolevanie shejki uteruses, - is not present. In other words you can have so much beremennostej, how much consider it necessary, to live absolutely usual life and yearly to address to the doctor for a colposcopy and the OaO-TEST.