Просмотр полной версии : The sizes of a basin at pregnancy

08.12.2004, 08:38
At statement on the account in ZHK in 16 weeks the sizes have been fixed or recorded: the Sizes of a basin: D. sp. 24 sm, D. cr. 26 sm, D. tr. 28 sm, C. ext. 18 sm, Index Soloveva 14.5 see pojasnichno-krestsovyj a rhombus of 8 sm, 9 see These sizes concern to a narrow basin? And whether it is possible to give birth most with such sizes (to me of 27 years, very thin was up to berem-ti, the first labors) if the child is supposed weight not less than 3 kg 600?

08.12.2004, 10:02
There is a narrowing a basin. The opportunity of spontaneous sorts or labors is solved during sorts or labors.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.