Просмотр полной версии : Medical secret

09.11.2004, 13:07
Help or Assist advice or council, doctors?

I live in other state and my first visit to doctors was in the center on sterility or barrenness.

The PROBLEM consists that they invite to reception only with the husband and us questionnaires aloud and together have forced to fill all.

At me before were pregnancy about which I did not speak, and I am not going to to speak the husband. It can destroy our marriage or spoilage.

My attempts to talk alone with the doctor have not crowned success. But in fact this very thin business and not having learned or not having found out a full picture can put the incorrect diagnosis and appoint or nominate incorrect treatment. What to do or make?

Or to leave all as is and let treat that will come up outside. While has come up sterility or barrenness of the husband and at me raised or increased FSG for 4 day of a cycle (that I dump on buserelin?)

In advance I thank for responses

01.12.2004, 13:07
Uv mickoz!

I think, that if you hold back some details from the life (and the bases for this purpose are), it will not affect or influence volume of inspection.

At least, if you were at me on reception and would not tell or say about previous beremennostjah, it would not change volume of prospective inspection.