Просмотр полной версии : Specification to a question about US in 24 weeks

29.11.2004, 13:07
Thanks for the answer. It would be desirable to specify. The doctor has appointed or nominated from a presenilation or senilism of a placenta Curantylum 1 t 3 times a day, hofitol 1 t 3 times a day, vit. E 1 t 2 times a day, Nospanum 1 2 times a day. Whether enough these medicines? And in what results or brings a presenilation or senilism of a placenta?
" A question: Comment, please, on results of usual US in 24 weeks: BPR 6, 0 sm, a circle of a head 22, 2 sm, lobno-the occipital size of 7.8 sm, dl. bedren. Bones right, left on 4, 4 sm, length of an anticnemion right, left on 4, 1 sm, length of a humeral bone right, left on 4, 1, length of bones of a forearm right, left on 3.5 see, diameter of a stomach or belly 6, 7 sm, a circle of a stomach or belly 21, 3 sm, the sizes of a fetus correspond or meet to 24 weeks, lateral ventricles of a brain are not expanded, the greater or big tank is not expanded, a cerebellum (PDM) 3, 0 sm that corresponds or meets to a duration of gestation, facial structures or frames: The structure usual, nosogubnyj a triangle free of defects, s/beat of a fetus rhythmical 140 ud mines, 4 h a chamber section of heart is visualized, orbits are not changed, a backbone free of defects, lungs are visualized, the intestine is visualized, the stomach is visualized, kidneys and the bladder is visualized, a place of an attachment of a cord or navel to a forward abdominal wall usual, the placenta is located on a back wall to a uterus more at the left, structure or frame usual, thickness of a placenta 3, 2 sm, structure or frame of a placenta homogeneous, a degree of a maturity of a placenta 0 - 1, quantity or amount of amniotic waters normal, the index of an amnionic liquid 2, 500 sm, a cord or navel has 3 vessels.
Whether all by way of, whether are normal all paramerty for 24 weeks? I am am guarded also, that with a degree of a maturity 0 1, and everywhere write, that up to 30 ti ned. She should be 0.
The answer: the Given US within the limits of norm or rate except for a presenilation or senilism of a placenta. It demands treatment.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich. "

29.11.2004, 16:56
Treatment quite correct. It can lead to disturbance of a blood flow and in the started cases to an arrest of development of a fetus.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.