Просмотр полной версии : Inspection before EKO?

Irina Baron
14.11.2004, 18:25
Hello - help or assist, please. We wish to pass or take place with the husband completely necessary inspections before EKO (except for hormones and infections) .problema that we live in Germany and in our clinics do not do or make immune and genetic inspections in advance. ONLY after 3 unsuccessful attempts. BUT what for to us to pay for 3 attempts if there is something, that in advance will doom to unsuccess.

The reasons for EKO: at me hormonal sterility or barrenness (a question solved by stimulation on puregone), at the husband of 90 % patalogicheskih forms (all other parameters SG are ideal), at normal hormones, absence of infections and inflammations.

I would be very grateful, if someone has prompted, which analyses should be made in an ideal (irrespective of cost) and WHERE EXACTLY in Moscow it is possible to make it during 1 (.2) day.

In advance many thanks!

28.11.2004, 14:42
Uv. Irina!

Clinic AvA-Peter now is one of leaders doimplantatsionnoj diagnostics in Russia. However necessity for carrying out of similar diagnostics can be certain only after internal consultation.