Просмотр полной версии : Result of the analysis

31.10.2004, 13:37
The doctor has diagnosed a sexual infantilism

At me disturbance of a menstrual cycle, the blood on hormones for 5 days prior to the beginning of a menses Has handed over.

Results of the analysis of a blood on hormones the following:

FSG 3,4 ??N/ml

LG 4,0 ??N/ml

Prolactinum 412,5 ??N/ml

Testesteron 1,7 ???y/l

Comment, whether please all at me in norm or rate?

In advance thanks.

24.11.2004, 14:34
Analyses on hormones surrender not 5 days prior to, and in 3-5-7 days after the beginning monthly. Besides it is necessary to result or bring and norms or rates of laboratory for each hormone.

The specified data look or appear within the limits of norm or rate, but it is not necessary to lean or base on them - better to hand over anew as it is specified above.

It is necessary for the subject answer to more information.

Write more in detail - how old are you, in how much years have begun monthly how went in the beginning and recently? On how much days there are delays and as often.

Cite the given US. Your body height and weight. Than hurted or were ill;were sick in a life and be ill or sick now?

It is still quite good to inform, in what city you live.

25.11.2004, 19:44
To me of 25 years. I live in Ekaterinburg. Body height 162, weight of 55 kg.

The menses nachlas years seems in 12. Regular never was (except for that period when I drank contraceptive tablets Three-). Without tablets the cycle on the average makes 35-45 days.

Couple of years there was an erosion shejki uteruses back, cauterized solkovaginom, now like se in norm or rate.

Results of US

The sizes of a body :43*26*40

Features - the Parity or Ratio by the length shejki uteruses as 2:1

Behind of a uterus vizializiruetsja ekonegativnaja a zone (that such I do not know if has correctly disassembled podcherk that like so it is written,)


Right 29*23 it (is cystically changed)

Left 31*20.

There is no dominant or prepotent follicle

The CONCLUSION the Sexual infantilism.

Results of the analysis of a blood on hormones the following:

FSG 3,4 ??N/ml (norm or rate: follik.faza 3-12, a phase of an ovulation 6-25, ljuteinovaja a phase 2-12)

LG 4,0 ??N/ml (norm or rate: follik.faza 2-9.5, a phase of an ovulation 10-45, ljuteinovaja a phase 0,5-17)

Prolactinum 412,5 ??N/ml (norm or rate: follik.faza 57-600, ljuteinovaja a phase 120-900)

Testesteron 1,7 ???y/l (norm or rate of the woman 0.2-4.2)

I shall repeat that the analysis did or made for 5 days prior to the beginning of a menses as nobody has warned that is necessary after.. And to make once again it is dear or expensive enough.

IN CONNECTION WITH endocrinology all in norm or rate of any deviations or rejections.

Advise please any treatment or that there is necessary, and that I 2 months cannot already get on reception to my doctor all over again she was on the sick-list and now has gone on leave for acritical term.

In advance thanks.
