Просмотр полной версии : 3 plentiful cycles and 3 poor or scanty

22.11.2004, 15:20
In May have made cleaning iz-for stood it is pregnant. (term of 6 weeks). The first 3 cycles monthly were very plentiful and is longer, than before abortion. And the subsequent 3 mesjatsa-naoborot-much more poor or much scantier, than before abortion and only 3 days. There was on UZI-a doctor of anything dangerous has not found. What is it can be?

22.11.2004, 19:40
No trouble. It goes process of restoration of a normal hormonal background. It is necessary for you to pass or take place seryoznoe inspection in occasion of not developing ber- for finding-out of the reason and purpose or appointment of treatment.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.