Просмотр полной версии : Thrush

16.11.2004, 16:44
Hello! Umenja a question on a subject of a thrush: a strongly pronounced thrush at me the first time in a life. I have strongly caught a cold (otsutsvuet imemmunitet), last day have been dressed in narrow jeans and it was necessary to sit all the day at job. By the evening there were displays of a thrush: (To the doctor there is an opportunity to get only somewhere in 2 weeks: (Considering that fact, what a candidiasis at me the first time, whether is enough to pass or take place a course (6 days) reception of vulval or vaginal tablets "Kandid"? And the following question, whether sotoit on it or this to concentrate attention of the husband and to inform him, what all these or it 6 days we should refrain from an intim? Or to one another not a handicap? (I have read through, that this fungus can be passed the man, very much it would not would be desirable it or this)

16.11.2004, 22:36
Without a campaign to the doctor when for the first time, it is difficult to manage. It can be not only a thrush or at all she. It is necessary to hand over a smear and to understand, then it becomes clear than to be treated. You can use suppositories certainly but also to be ready it is necessary then that they can not help or assist. The husband of a suppository cannot use. Even the "simple" thrush (Which it is necessary to confirm with a smear) is treated not only suppositories, but also reception of a preparation inside is and is done or made together. The sexual life aggravates a thrush not only because of perezarazhenija, but because of a mechanical boring, therefore really it is better to refrain for these reasons. Except for free-of-charge doctors to which record for 2 weeks, is paid to which it is possible to come in any day and to hand over all the necessary analyses