Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to understand with results of analyses

17.10.2004, 06:33
Galina Afanasevna, help or assist to understand please.

To me 22. =24. Owing to an irregular cycle, the doctor investigated or researched a spectrum of hormones in a blood, deviations or rejections from norm or rate

Testosteron-Depotum-1,61/ (0,1-1)

And Progesteronum-41/ (1.7-28.8).

After an injection of Synacthenum

17--Pg has changed from 0.3?u/ml up to an injection up to 4,6 after.

About what it speaks? I do not understand results and whether it is necessary to be investigated or researched further?

Now the doctor speaks to investigate or research free Testosteron-Depotum, repeatedly to hand over Oestradiolum, LG, FSG, nYa-ZINCI SULFAS,

And also in urine-17-, anurogeny total or cooperative and free, 17-.

Vpervyj time heard about hormones in urine. How correctly to hand over them?

In advance many thanks.

31.10.2004, 13:10
Lena, basal urovnen 17 does not give the bases to spend assay with Synacthenum, but if it or her and to spend. That under the international standard with a fence of a blood on 30 minute after introduction 1-24 AKTG (Synacthenum) in not deposited form.

To treat the assay spent to YOU with prolonged Synacthenum difficultly - specifications rather variabelny.

The problem or task to investigate or research free Testosteron-Depotum for some reasons it is rather difficult vypolnima-reactants available all over the world are not ideal, the newest sets for definition over testostorona in a blood basically are approved, and here over testtosteron in a saliva it is meaningful to discuss.

The index over Testosteron-Depotum (i.e. general or common Testosteron-Depotum (he at you hardly is defined or determined - hardly it is increased also so-called SGSG - special fiber) is usually calculated, and is then calculated over Testosteron-Depotum.

Level LG, FSG, nYa-ZINCI SULFAS can be useful.

And 17- is a part of metabolites of a hydrocortisone (the research, opportunities making sense at absence to investigate or research over a hydrocortisone in urine, but presence of necessity such research to spend) - you ask, whether there are hormones in urine and whether it is necessary to define or determine them - and so, SOME hormones and SOME metabolites In SOME cases it is necessary...

All problem that inspection of women with an irregular cycle quite often turns in rassypannyj pazl without the basic picture (the diagnostic concept which are under construction at survey and inquiry) - and the doctor tries, not knowing. He collects what picture, to stick fragments pazla - where will get....

On light there is that happens more often more often. Principal causes of an irregular cycle at normal mass of a body - a syndrome of polycystic ovaries (exception of other problems, US, \), giperprolaktinemija (Prolactinum), gipotiroz (TTG).

Frolov And
09.11.2004, 03:32
Many thanks! But there is a question (at me in addition to an irregular cycle also the raised or increased body height of hair on a body and abaissement on a head)-really to define or determine source of superfluous development or manufacture of androgens is possible only on reaction to reception of Dexamethazonum? Really there is no assay, more correct than an injection senaktena?

12.11.2004, 10:30
Lena, and on what logic I to you it or her would not name?

Also what you name breakdown?

Unless already there is an answer to all questions-?

12.11.2004, 13:01
Excuse for illiteracy in a question. Simply the doctor spoke what to understand about that what organ produces excess of Testosteron-Depotum it is possible only on reaction of a hormone 17-Pg on Synacthenum. And as to treat the spent assay with prolonged Synacthenum difficultly - specifications rather variabelny what research should be further?

12.11.2004, 13:06
If I search VDKN at a level 17 OPG it is MORE 3, but it is less 10 at me there is all the bases to spend CLASSICAL sinaktenovyj the test - its or his mankind all world vymuchivalo.

There at me the known point and to all world known urovne otsechneija - t.e where comes to an end norm or rate and begins nonclassical VDKN. As you think. Norms or rates is it is given to us from above, or there is any system vyjasnenpija where this or it comes to an end....

And that is why we have chosen a certain point at prolongirovannom-it is known only to authors of dissertations, and what level have taken for cut-off - too. In the theory they should validizirovat (check up) this test on about-about- bolshojm quantity or amount as healthy and sick..

But a short not in it or this. Nonclassical VDKN is at least everyone 16-th evrejka-, and in fact is also nositelnitsy a gene..

But history Rahili not is thought up by me, and spontaneous restoration of a fecundity is so familiar for this people that there is a question - and that such nonclassical VDKN if pretty often these women have the minimal disturbances of a cycle and the minimal superfluous pilosis, being a cosmetic problem from the point of view of today...

If you have not written to me about improvement of a level of Testosteron-Depotum on Dexamethazonum - there would be I raspinatsja about this test, I do not have bases in general something to write - how much yet not made...