Просмотр полной версии : Hormonal disturbances

23.10.2004, 09:28
Hello! My name is Tatyana Mne 24 years.. In the beginning of October has noticed that hair in this connection has decided to visit or attend the endocrinologist and the gynecologist have started to drop out, has handed over analyses on hormones:


3-1,9 (NORM or RATE 1,0-2,8) 4-150-(norm or rate 54-156) -3,9 (0,23-3,4) /-0 Prolactinum 351 (norm or rate 66-72) 1 testesteron 1,7 (NORM or RATE 0,5-4,3) LG-2,6 (norm or rate 1,8-11,3) -5,2 (norm or rate 1,8-11,3)


estradiol-420 (norm or (rate--51-872) DEA-25 (NORM or RATE 1,3-9,8) (most likely here there was a mistake or an error)

As has been raised or increased TTG And Dea, retook


-1,7 (NORM or RATE 0,23-3,4)

25.01.03. Already in other laboratory

TTG-0,790 (norm or rate 0,2-3,2) Prolactinum-379 (norm or rate 67,8-911,6) nNu?nOY?a?nO?ONO?-Zinci sulfas-8,6 (norm or rate 0,95-11,7)

It has been made by US of a thyroid gland on which there were small deviations or rejections, but the endocrinologist has drawn a conclusion, that I, basically, am healthy, observation in half a year is necessary.

13.02.03. (21 DMTS)

-1,05 (0,5-14,4) Oestradiolum-897,50 (257-917) Progesteronum-51,30 (10-89) Testosteron-Depotum 1,33 (0,5-4,3) Hydrocortisone 259,60 (150-660) F-Test 4.22 (0-15) A4-2.90 -16 (10)

But I have decided to visit or attend endokrinologa-the gynecologist, have been made by US on 21 n?-HE have shown a yellow body, all would seem in norm or rate And the endocrinologist-gynecologist has drawn a conclusion to a background of mine Uzi and analyses, as here that's all right and at it or her to me claims are not present.

I, basically, have calmed down, but after a while after inspection I have suddenly noticed allocation from a breast (-greenish) And I have gone to other gynecologist who has told or said, what is it because of my raised or increased Prolactinum (thus other experts considered or counted, that at me Prolactinum in norm or rate, beremennostej was not), and have registered to me Bromocriptinum. And now, I do not know what to do or make, to That to believe, Help or Assist to understand. (has forgotten to tell or say, that the cycle was stable 30-31 day, but recently there was a disturbance, a delay of 2 weeks) thus abaissement of hair proceeds, has spent already a heap of money for different analyses. I would plan pregnancy That you have advised: whether Prolactinum is really raised or increased, whether it is necessary to drink tablets and because of what hair drop out. Comment on my analyses Thankful in advance, excuse for the long letter, tried to reflect all

: (

25.10.2004, 04:21
Tanja, Prolactinum normal, and color separated is uncharacteristic for situations with raised or increased Prolactinum.

How much or As far as I understand, problems two - abaissement of hair (here it is very important to estimate or appreciate character of this abaissement, how much or as far as it really is available - the matter is that exist the seasonal periods of more active abaissement of hair and so forth - in a word, well to have the reasonable conclusion of the reasonable dermatologist).

The second problem - presence separated which on the character comes nearer to marked or celebrated at mastopathies.

Neither at YOU, nor at me as I understand of what or other bases for alarms are not present.

Therefore I do not see the reasons for reception bromkriptina (though receive you it or him, no trouble would not occur or happen). I would recommend in the given situation inspection in institute of endocrinology (more likely for reception of the conclusion, than for search of certain novel illnesses or diseases). Try to enter the name on bodies 500-00-90 to mammologu (Ledneva) and to item nauchn. sotr. Ilovajskoj. Show our correspondence.

02.11.2004, 09:08
Thanks you big for such prompt reply! But, as I have understood, that you to me have left phones in a to Moscow, and I the inhabitant With-NONOiOOua. There can be you know the good center In my city or good spetsalistov. Izvivinite, i.e. you consider or count, what under my analyses at me that's all right? Simply my gynecologist considers or counts, what on a background of such analyses of pregnancy cannot be? Whether so it? (though the US has shown a yellow body and 7 folikulov) And tell or say, please, that such a mastopathy?

The lucky
06.11.2004, 01:01
In Peter in -those Otta - prof. V.V.potin.

Mastopathy - the modular term uniting the whole group of good-quality changes in a mammary gland. Be not frightened this term, simply I wished to tell or say, that in itself character separated is not typical for those situations when this discharge is caused or called by the raised or increased level of Prolactinum, and skore is observed at what processes in the mammary gland.

Let's try find the doctor it will be important to them to help or assist YOU, here my opinion can be useful, and, notice, it coincides with opinion a minimum of two doctors advised YOU.

ShChipkov A.V.
07.11.2004, 12:15
Hello we Respect. prof. Melnichenko! I would like to consult once again at you! As to run on doctors all time, job does not allow, and to get to them difficultly, only on record. You to me have advised to address to mamologu, but to it or him;them I can popasttolko in April, and I have questions, I have handed over the analysis on tsistolologiju from thoracal vydeleny, there it's OK. But allocation proceed .i at me a delay, small, the breast has increased and hurts as before monthly, but they are not present, and instead of them 4 days such pinkish small it is (not enough) allocation. Iz-for what they? Can be really have a drink Bromocriptinum? Hair continue to drop out! What to me to do or make? Instead of there can be at me menopauses? Respond me, please!

07.11.2004, 20:41
Tanja, once again - opportunities of correspondence consultation are limited, but here that the menopause is not present, it is possible to tell or say precisely.

And the rest - for YOUR doctor.

09.11.2004, 10:06
Good afternoon! Would like to tell about my treatment registered by the doctor, He has put me diagnoz-a syndrome of a polycystosis of ovaries and has registered to accept- 35. Whether As you consider or count correctly its or his decision and whether reception of this preparation from abaissement of hair, thoracal vydeleny, etc. can help or assist me?

09.11.2004, 20:21
Let's begin with the extremity or end. To Diana-35 - the combined oral contraceptive (contraceptive) in which one of making parts is an antiandrogen (i.e. interferes with undesirable action of free Testosteron-Depotum or its or his metabolites) on those orgnany on which excess of this hormone .. operates or works. In that measure in what your abaissement of hair (if those in general exists) is connected actually with relative excess of free forms of a hormone (absolute excess of general or common Testosteron-Depotum is not present), instead of with deficiency of vitamins. Minerals, bad shampoo, seasonal fluctuations and so forth, this preparation can help or assist.

As at pregnant women abaissement of hair is usually slowed down, and this phenomenon many estrogens, the second component recommended to you connect or bind a preparation - estrogen also can be useful.

Syndrome of polycystic ovaries - non-uniform enough concept, and as we not YOUR doctors also did not participate in your survey, and the data presented by you are not obligatory and convincing criteria of the diagnosis, it is possible to tell or say only, that at SLEEPING it is possible to use to Diana.

The discharge from thoracal glands does not concern to number of obligatory signs SPKJA.

In the dry rest - consultation of the dermatologist and mammologa is necessary to you. And both of these or it the expert should be real experts. And Diana - well

, millions receive, there are bases ndejatsja on efficiency..