Просмотр полной версии : Hormonal researches

27.10.2004, 22:09
Elena - - ---Good afternoon! To consultations the doctor has appointed or nominated to me hormonal inspection. Has written the following: the Hormonal structure: 2, Rt. FSG, LG, R, TT 1 3 4. Handwriting has disassembled unimportantly, but I hope, that was not mistaken. Prompt please, for what day of a cycle is better to hand over analyses on the given hormones? What in general these letters designate I can be not correct them have disassembled?? I would ask the doctor, given to me such references, but on reception she so has intimidated me, that at me in a head all questions were mixed, I have simply become puzzled. And go to her once again I can not. In our consultation to us concern so, that the impression as if we it or him the arrivals strongly stir or prevent is made. In advance many thanks to everyone who will help or assist to understand with it or this.

01.11.2004, 15:39
Olja - - ---Lena, to me clearly your status, therefore I respond that I know, I know not so much, look on the Internet where that is popular books explaining what hormone for what responds. From my amateurish point of view: E2 - estrogen, stimulates development or manufacture of follicles or hormones or at once who it or him will disassemble all!, if it or him too little - it is bad, too much - too it is not so good, but a hormone important Rt - probably Prolactinum, at a plenty of Prolactinum development or manufacture FSG and LG suppresses and ovulations can not occur or happen FSG - a follicle-stimulating hormone, stimulates development or manufacture of follicles LG - whether ljuteniizirujushchy a hormone I do not know has correctly written responsible for an output or exit of an ootid from a follicle the Others simply I do not know. To me them to hand over did not appoint or nominate any of them probably Testosteron-Depotum, and any Progesteronum probably R Progesteronum a hormone it is developed or produced by a yellow body which is formed on a place razorvavshevosja a follicle. The hormone supports or maintains a heat necessary for implantation and a fetation of Usually reference of doctors different... Someone recommends in the middle of a cycle. And someone some hormones in beginning LG, FSG... And any in the extremity or end for example Progesteronum. Uf it is not assured, that all has correctly written But for me will correct esti in what it is not right

01.11.2004, 16:04
Jacob - - ---on all hormones, except for Progesteronum, it is necessary to do or make Analyses for 5-7 day from the beginning monthly. On Progesteronum - for 6-7 day of rise of basal temperature if you measure it or her. If is not present, that, approximately, for 21-22 day of a cycle in the event that its or his duration of 28 days. The same if the temperature does not rise. If a cycle more shortly or more longly day of delivery accordingly changes. TTG, 3 and 4 - hormones of a thyroid gland.

01.11.2004, 16:07
Lena - - ---Many thanks for answers!! Now I know, in what direction it is necessary to move. Once again thanks.

01.11.2004, 16:07
Vita - - ---What to do or make at povyshenom FSG 12

01.11.2004, 16:13
(Water-melon) - - ---the Specified value or meaning;importance is not so high what to be prognostically significant is can be and norm or rate. For correct interpreting it is necessary to know day of a cycle, the anamnesis, complaints, etc.

01.11.2004, 16:15
Vick - - ---FSG 2 day of a cycle. Doctors have advised me proginovu. Still a question in occasion of gidrosalpinsa. As it is better to treat. Except for operative methods.

01.11.2004, 16:17
Nadja (n_home@skyline.kiev.ua) - - ---I read about existence of special house tests for definition of a level ljuteinizirujushchego hormone LG in urine. Prompt, please, in more detail - as these tests are called, - where are made and - where they can be got? In advance I thank, Nadja.

01.11.2004, 16:17
Svetlana (duncan@mail.ip.sitek.net) - - ---Good afternoon! 3 years cannot become pregnant. At primary inspection the diagnosis a small uterus, ureoplazmoz. At repetition the analysis kulturalnym by a method ureoplazmoz it is not revealed, but there is a golden staphilococcus - has cured. After treated laserotherapy ovaries of 10 procedures. In 6 months have begun not regular monthly at a cycle of 28-30 days they there were 45-55 days. After 1-st inspection have diagnosed PKJA US and hormones did not hand over. Having made US at other doctor PKJA has not shown, and has shown set fine a follicle, and the right ovary is increased the diagnosis a hypofunction. As has handed over third time the analysis on ureoplazmoz a method of DNA positively - I am flied or treated though me and absolutely nothing disturbed the husband. The analysis on hormones has shown raised or increased Prolactinum, I measure BT the truth only 1-st month, but the temperature keeps 36,6-37. Whether It is possible to judge already on mine BT, what at me still any hormone not by way of? It is very interesting to me, what all the same a method of a capture of analyses on an infection more effective? Raised or increased Prolactinum is how much dangerous? What exactly to me prevents to become pregnant? Many thanks.