Просмотр полной версии : Umbilical hernia and opportunity of pregnancy

The world
20.09.2004, 15:39
Irina Kozhin (kojina@inbox.ru) - - ---Prompt please. In me in 2 years after the first pregnancy have found out a umbilical hernia. So it or her it is not visible, she is found out exclusively at a palpation. I, unfortunately, do not know, there can be she was and earlier, but at least, nobody spoke me about it or this. But that now she est-is the fact. We with the husband very much want the second child. How pregnancy can affect or influence my health? How much or As far as it is dangerous?

30.10.2004, 07:43
Alis (ol_sk@mail.ru) - - ---Greetings, Irina! I had a same situation, only with a femoral hernia. Has decided to borrow or occupy in itself before planned pregnancy and in this occasion consulted to the surgeon and the gynecologist. They have advised me to perform operation up to pregnancy since during pregnancy the hernia can increase and eat danger of infringement. I have made. Only after operation it is desirable to wait 2-3 months that a seam zaros and the organism was restored. Success to you!