Просмотр полной версии : Cesarean or it is possible to try or taste most

29.10.2004, 11:06
Hello, the doctor. At my son during sorts or labors the cord or navel has wound a neck. The doctor has not made during kesarego, labors have passed or have taken place estesstvennym by, but there were oxygen starvations of a brain and in rezultate-DTSP. Sejchas-2 pregnancy. Already 33 and me 36. Whether I Should ask at once cesarean or it is possible to try to give birth most? What probability of a repeated encirclement of a cord or navel? Vzaranee it is grateful for the answer. SHaira.

29.10.2004, 16:43
The encirclement of a cord or navel is not inherited. It or he can be seen on uzi. And the encirclement of a cord or navel is not the indication to KS. And far not always causes oxygen starvation. Here there were any complexities in the obstetric grant or manual in sorts or labors, business not in the encirclement. But if you are adjusted or set up on cesarean, can ask it or him.