Просмотр полной версии : For Boris Aleksandrovicha

16.10.2004, 17:34
In 1994 - cesarean section. In 1998 second marriage. In 1998 - a hepatitis (after treatment and a diet-hepatic assays in predlah norms or rates). 2001 - stood beremennost.vydelenie colostrums from a papilla. More pregnancy did not come.

prokommentiriujte, please, results of analyses.

27.11.04 Fsg 52.8, LG 38,28, Prolactinum 634,8, Oestradiolum 188. Under the reference of the doctor has spent on drink Bromocriptinum (1 tab. ezhdednevno in tech.mesjatsa). Colostrums has not disappeared.

13.01.05 FSG 14,8, LG 8,53, Prolactinum 674,5, Oestradiolum 323 (5 dmts). It has been directed on MRT (the conclusion - data for presence mikrodadenomy a pituitary body is not revealed). On purpose or appointment of the doctor of a propyl *quot; n?O??N?*quot; (1/2 tab. 2 of time in a week) .propila 5 tablets, colostrums ischesla.

24.02.05 Prolactinum 168,1 (22 dmts)

28.04. Prolactinum 427, 9, Progesteronum 0,7 (21 dmts)

21.05.05 17--Progesteronum 1,91, Testosteron-Depotum 1,7, Oestradiolum 48/???y/L, 48/, TTG 0,683/, LG 25,42. -S04 2,2.

The doctor has written out with 1 dmts *quot; oN??O?*quot; 2/10, a burdock (for a liver) and Bromocriptinum. Zakljuchnie - pregnancy only through EKO. Whether So it. With impatience I look forward to hearing.

22.10.2004, 04:09
Zakljuchnie - pregnancy only through EKO. Whether So it. With impatience I look forward to hearing. It is complex or difficult to me to answer your question since the information has not enough for this purpose. Except for it or this it is not absolutely clear with what so frequent hormonal research is connected.

29.10.2004, 05:03
Supporting or Maintaining Boris Aleksandrovicha, I shall notice, that boundary value or meaning;importance of Prolactinum far not always an occasion for treatment bromkriptinom, that the burdock is not included into standards of treatment, and \ a colostrum from mammary glands can be defined or determined during 2-4 years after pregnancy, without dependence how she has ended.