Просмотр полной версии : Consequences of the stood pregnancy

21.10.2004, 21:38
Hello, in me have found out the pregnancy which has stood on 8 weeks, the pregnancy by then there were 10 weeks (if on US, on last date mesjachnyh-12), this very day have operated, next day have written out from antibiotics having appointed or nominated only sammamed. The stomach or belly strongly hurted or was ill;was sick, were brown allocation, the repeated US has found out an incomplete currettage and on "fast" me again have sent in that hospital where a currettage did or made first time. To me have spent, as to me have told or said, a repeated currettage (in 10 days after initial), however in an extract have written, that g .ija after a currettage , unfortunately, I this word cannot read through the diagnosis, the doctor have told or said, what is it means, that to me have only slightly opened shejku uteruses. What consequences? Can descend or go to me in other hospital and ask to make a currettage the third time? And more, at me suspicion, what spent operation not the doctor, and the probationer, such it is supposed? The doctor has told or said, that the uterus has not come to a normal status, cannot be compressed.
As in me have found out a two-corned uterus and mycoplasmas (and earlier a herpes and a thrush), and today the doctor in private or individual clinics at which I was have told or said, that at me an inflammation of appendages. I have pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly, is krovjanistye and korichnevo-yellow allocation, a repeated currettage did or made on October, 11th (the first on October, 1st). The doctor has registered to me "-factor" on four tablets four times a day and more than anything. Has told or said to me, that he will help or assist both from an inflammation and from mycoplasmas. Whether correct treatment also can to me still something it is necessary register? In hospital to me five days pricked antibiotics, but a currettage have made only for the second day. It turns out, what antibiotics to me pricked 2 days up to a repeated currettage and three days after, can it or this a little and to me to continue them to prick? The doctor has told or said, that with a uterus of a problem, she up to these greater or big and does not wish to be closed. Whether there can be it of what she two-corned? And whether do or make somewhere operational correctings of two-corned uteruses? Whether there could be because of it or this a stood pregnancy?
On October, 19th on US the transparent liquid in the right horn as has told or said the doctor, doing or making US, an endometritis is found out. And the gynecologist has cancelled to me all antibiotics, having told or said, that I and so already much them I accept and have registered only 6 candles "polizhinaks" for the night. I.e. an endometritis to me do not treat. Whether is better a problem of an endometritis to solve operational by? To tell the truth, I trust a surgical intervention more, it would be desirable that at once have cleaned or removed a sore and all.

Has already passed or Has already taken place 10 days after repeated vyskablivani

And how it is possible to learn or find out, for what reason there was a stood pregnancy? Doctors speak nothing? It is possible to alter somewhere a histology?


22.10.2004, 15:17
You already were helped or assisted by operative treatment, for the currettage twice as from a trauma the endometritis too develops, it should be made qualitatively then helps or assists and if it is poor-quality only aggravates an inflammation.

The two-corned uterus could not cause the stood pregnancy, its or her correcting is practically impossible, is the plastic operation made in 1-2 klinkiah of country, very complex or difficult and unnecessary in your case. The two-corned uterus does not stir or prevent pregnancy at its or her correct conducting.

Endometritis do not treat suppositories. It is necessary razobratsja with the diagnosis. If the cavity of the uterus is expanded and in her there are contents, mean it is necessary to do or make again a currettage or a lavage of a uterus. It is possible to tell or say only having seen data uzi more precisely, nothing is virtual clearly. If the rests in a cavity are not present, a currettage in no event to do or make it is not necessary, and necessary to treat an endometritis - normalnj a set of antibiotics, in nyxes instead of in tablets, necessarily physiotherapy reducing and antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory is better in a hospital + +.

If you on arms or hand have glasses with a histology (or you can take them in hospital) to alter a histology it is possible in any laboratory patomorfologii. I think anything except for the diagnosis the stood uterine pregnancy you do not receive as a result, to guess the reasons of the last events it is practically impossible, it is necessary to think not of it or this and about that how to be restored now and how to be prepared for new pregnancy. The today's status matters only. It varies constantly.

22.10.2004, 18:11
Thanks, Maria Mihajlovna. Data UZI-a transparent liquid in the right cavity of the uterus. Both the doctor, and the doctor, doing or making US, have told or said, that a currettage to do or make it is not necessary, but thus have registered nothing. The temperature keeps 37.1, the bottom of a stomach or belly hurts: (

Today the doctor has told or said, that the uterus has come to norm or rate, but the right pipe is increased, has asked, whether there could be at me an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. After I have learned or have found out, that beremenna-on August, 2nd sexual certificates or acts at me were not, I think, that extrauterine cannot be, already probably a pipe would break off. Or can be stood extrauterine?

26.10.2004, 21:40
Maria Mihajlovna and what are necessary nyxes and droppers? I can do or make nyxes, and a dropper I shall agree to put. I descended or went private or individual order to the doctor in hospital and in ZHK. Nobody wishes to register to me nyxes and droppers, have registered tsifran, Trichopolum, and any trifles: candles in both of passage, immunal and vitamins. In ZHK probably do not wish to strain the room for medical procedures, but I shall go in itself, for money.

26.10.2004, 23:15
The doctor should not ask - whether can be at you vnematonoj pregnancy - for this purpose and exists uzi. The vacuum-aspiration of contents of a uterus and serious hospitalization posleabortnogo an endometritis is necessary for you and at least. With antibiotics in nyxes, a physiotherapy and tp. To make it domiciliary it is impossible. It is necessary to lay down in a hospital and to be treated. Find paid unit, ksli so you do not take. The transparent liquid is a blood. At you sereznoe complication. Also serious treatment is necessary.