Просмотр полной версии : It is how much safe solkovagin

21.10.2004, 11:56
Prompt, please! 2 weeks ago to me prizhgli erosion (in size with 2) solkovaginom. I did not give birth or travail, therefore I wish to ask - how much or as far as it is a safe preparation, and whether there can be from it or him cicatrixes? It would be desirable as to learn or find out, how it is soon possible to return to usual "schedule" of a sexual life? I am protected by condoms therefore the opportunity of hit of an infection practically is absent. And through what time I can visit or attend pool and a sauna? Thanks!

21.10.2004, 13:22
Dear Julia! The sexual life, pool and a sauna are possible or probable only after a following menses. Solkovagin does not cause or cause education of cicatrixes, so tactics of your attending physician absolutely correct.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.