Просмотр полной версии : Adnexitis cannot vylechmit

13.10.2004, 11:03
In March of it or this (2004) years have diagnosed me an adnexitis. I drank medicines, did or made hot and vitamin nyxes, put wads and tablets, passed or took place 2 times fiz. Treatment (lazero-a magnet on appendages), dripped UFO and metrogil. Now I take saline baths. But all is ineffectual, only vylichila the allergy on Saccharum. I znajuju, that it is possible to do or make still travjanye trays or basins. Prompt please nastoj from what grasses better. Also recommend to me please if can, something on treatment of an adnexitis. In advance thanks.

13.10.2004, 16:57
At you a uneasy situation also it is impossible to respond in absentia. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.