Просмотр полной версии : Toksoplazmos, pregnancy of 15 weeks

09.09.2004, 22:08
26 years, the first pregnancy, today 15 weeks, venereal diseases were not, abortions were not, the results of the analyses which have been handed over 4 days ago (15 week), laboratory HE-CLINICS, Moscow, Color parkway today has received. It is found: toxoplasmosis IgM = it is positive, IgG = 29,8 IU/Ml. (0-2) + a disadvantage of iron. The general or common delicacy, a small giddiness, *quot; ?OO?*quot; in opinion of. It is More than symptomatology any. I feel well. On 7 week there was a threat of an abortion, a pain + a small bleeding. Laid 3 days in hospital, noshpa, djufaston. The doctor which made comments on the today's analysis urgently recommended to interrupt pregnancy. I in horror. What to do or make? Tomorrow peresdam in Invitro. If will prove to be true that then? I Ask to respond (whenever possible) Medvedev's doctors and Maljarskuju.


11.09.2004, 13:20
1. Absolute indications for an abortion are not present.

2. At you suspicion on an acute toxoplasmosis. False positive results can be at rheumatic diseases. The toxoplasmosis at pregnant women proceeds asymptomatically more often.

3. IgM can be in Serum about one year after an acute infection. You did not do or make the analysis up to pregnancy?

4. In case of about. A toxoplasmosis in the first trimester risk of a transmission of infection to a fetus no more than 15 % but if the becoming infected occurs or happens consequences more serious (a lesion of some organs and systems)

5. In that case it is offered to interrupt pregnancy, but this decision remains for you.

6. In term of 15 weeks to interrupt pregnancy uniinstantly or in one stage not will, i.e. there is time till 20-22 weeks.

7. If you are very interested in pregnancy it is possible to make amniotsentez in 19-20 weeks with research of an amnionic liquid on toksoplazmu method PTSR. The Same can be made and now in Serum urovi at you - if the infection will be found out - it means acute process if is not present - not the fact, that he has not been transferred or carried 2 months ago.

8. And, naturally, in case of prolongation of pregnancy it is necessary to begin a corresponding or meeting chemotherapy immediately.

24.09.2004, 14:20
Many thanks for care.

How much or As far as I understand, the greater or big rarity when IgM keeps about one year - most often in 2 months IgM is not found out, it so?

Acute process lasts 2 months from the beginning of infection, and only then he is dangerous to the child (threatens with a becoming infected)? Or all time while is present IgM?

If amniotsentez will show, whether that the child the chemotherapy is infected, necessary? In fact antibiotics too are harmful to the child, and presence IgG=29,8 (0-2) speaks what I have caught not less 1 month ago, that is either in the first trimester or before conception?

What from a chemotherapy you recommend usually? (the question concerns to a standard case, I shall blindly not follow references not having consulted in addition internally with the doctor)

I ask a pardon for a plenty of questions, but to formulate it has not turned out more laconically. In advance thanks.


09.10.2004, 08:07
Many thanks for care.

How much or As far as I understand, the greater or big rarity when IgM keeps about one year - most often in 2 months IgM is not found out, it so?

All depends

And. From features of your organism

. A laboratory method by means of which define or determine antibodies.

Acute process lasts 2 months from the beginning of infection, and only then he is dangerous to the child (threatens with a becoming infected)? Or all time while is present IgM?

Usually in the first weeks, about 2 months. The infection, instead of antibodies is dangerous.

If amniotsentez will show, whether that the child the chemotherapy is infected, necessary? In fact antibiotics too are harmful to the child, and presence IgG=29,8 (0-2) speaks what I have caught not less 1 month ago, that is either in the first trimester or before conception?

If amniotsentez will show, that it is not infected, and in blood PTSR will find out an antigen - all the same it is necessary, it is simple in smaller doses.

What from a chemotherapy you recommend usually? (the question concerns to a standard case, I shall blindly not follow references not having consulted in addition internally with the doctor)

Let your doctor will better appoint or nominate. Such preparations as, for example, Spheromycinum are not dangerous to the child.

Write as at you events develop.

Julia N
09.10.2004, 14:34
Events develop so:

Results from Laboratory *quot are received; e?o?OO*quot; date of the analysis 22.10.05

anti-Toxo IgG 38.1 ed.ml (*lt; 6-)

anti-Toxo IgM will put. (when dictated results by phone in the morning have named digit 1,965 but in its or her listing why that is not present)

Avidnost IgG 0.47 index (*gt; 0.3)

The previous analysis 17.10.05 IgG = 28,9 that is for five days body height

(38.1-28.9)/28.9 = 31,8 % or (forecast) of 31,8 %/5*21 =133 % for three weeks, not quadruple rising, but is a lot of

Tomorrow meal in botkinskuju in the city -center.

Questions (I try to grope when has caught):

1. Whether appear IgM only at a primary infection or their occurrence is possible or probable at an exacerbation *quot; ?OaO*quot; infections?

2. avidnost 47 % mean, that an infection already *quot; ?ON?an*quot;. To what this index what he happens at absolutely late stages aspires?

(In household tongue of 47 % it is a lot of or a little)


09.10.2004, 14:36
Yesterday 25.10.05 was in the center of a toxoplasmosis on Botkinskoj has handed over analyses. Externally all looks or appears awfully, ruin. Behind results I go tomorrow. By phone have told or said, that the toxoplasmosis is confirmed, the acute form. Consultation of the doctor (at them) is possible or probable only on November, 1st.


1. Whether additional researches on a toxoplasmosis and where recommend them to do or make are necessary?

2. Where it is possible to make amniotsentez and at the same time research on genetics (a syndrome of the Down)?

3. Whether if to begin treatment-chemotherapy (Spheromycinum) it will affect or influence results amniotsenteza?

4. Whether it is possible to do or make amniotsentez if temperature (ORZ)?

09.10.2004, 14:39
1. Whether appear IgM only at a primary infection or their occurrence is possible or probable at an exacerbation *quot; ?OaO*quot; infections?

Appear only at a primary infection.

2. avidnost 47 % mean, that an infection already *quot; ?ON?an*quot;. To what this index what he happens at absolutely late stages aspires?

(In household tongue of 47 % it is a lot of or a little)

Data about avidnosti antibodies, in my opinion, in your case have no basic value or meaning;importance.

09.10.2004, 14:49
1. Whether additional researches on a toxoplasmosis and where recommend them to do or make are necessary?

Responded above. Where to make I shall not prompt.

2. Where it is possible to make amniotsentez and at the same time research on genetics (a syndrome of the Down)?

Consultation at genetics, and he should direct to the genetic center.

3. Whether if to begin treatment-chemotherapy (Spheromycinum) it will affect or influence results amniotsenteza?

If you have decided pregnancy to save, treatment needs to be begun immediately in any case

4. Whether it is possible to do or make amniotsentez if temperature (ORZ)?

In general it is undesirable.

09.10.2004, 14:52
Ur, hurrah (I am afraid to maleficiate, but like all has managed)

The center of a toxoplasmosis on botkinskoj .252--18-63. Zavedushchaja Dzutseva Fatima Konstantinovna - dear woman.

They (and only they) do or make analysis RNIF (how much or as far as I understand flourestsentnoe podsvechivanie that is if toksoplazmy is they are shone). The analysis has shown, what yes toksoplazmy is, but very much and it is not enough of them. See attached files.

RNIF it is positive 1/80

IgG 87,59 (ed.izmerenija and the specification illegibly)

IgM more than 3,500 (ed.izmerenija and the specification illegibly)

IgM quantitatively so big, that zashkalilo the device.

Question to the patient: *quot; hormones accept? *quot;, the answer *quot; yes, n?oa?O?*quot;.

*quot; Then it is clear! *quot;

According to Dzutsevoj F.K at it or her in a table the whole pack of false positive results IgM, faces accepting during pregnancy hormones lays.


1. Analyses of the center on a toxoplasmosis

2. The conclusion of the center on a toxoplasmosis

3. Analyses of laboratory Invitro

09.10.2004, 14:53
Would make PTSR for calm if will find where do or make, certainly.

09.10.2004, 14:53
And how to formulate a question in laboratory:

PTSR on a toxoplasmosis?

What is PTSR? Why he is better?


09.10.2004, 14:54
And how to formulate a question in laboratory:

PTSR on a toxoplasmosis?

What is PTSR? Why he is better?


PTSR on a toxoplasmosis. It is a method of definition of DNA of the originator of a toxoplasmosis, instead of indirect antibodies. With PTSR on a toxoplasmosis can be probloemy since the technique while is poorly widespread at us and not all variants PTSR are exact enough.

In occasion of false-positive takes IgM as you saw in the subject set by me, there is no unequivocal answer about communication or connection with djufastonom. I nevertheless think, that you have transferred or carried a toxoplasmosis, but there is enough for a long time (or up to, that most likely, or right at the beginning of pregnancy).

09.10.2004, 14:54
(Or up to, that most likely, or right at the beginning of pregnancy)

So this or thus the most important *quot; n*quot; or *quot; in oON?n*quot;.

As though to define or determine?

I search where to make PTSR.


09.10.2004, 14:54
So this or thus the most important *quot; n*quot; or *quot; in oON?n*quot;.

As though to define or determine?

If it was possible to define or determine simply it, I to you for a long time already would tell or say.

Though there is a way which I on a regular basis use - make anitela up to pregnancy.

PTSR, especially amnionic liquid, it will help or assist to be defined or determined more precisely.

09.10.2004, 14:54
Have made today (08.12.05) scheduled uzi. Hyperechoic including or incorporation in an intestine. To look at it came even from the next cabinets or studies. Rare or infrequent very much speak the phenomenon and further it is necessary to move to genetikam. What risks? What to do or make?


09.10.2004, 14:54
Here is how time about risks also what to do or make is better will tell genetics.