Просмотр полной версии : Monthly! Au!!!

07.10.2004, 13:18
Almost year accepted Marvelon. On rest has found out, that from a breast go allocation of milk or dairy color. The local nurse has told or said, what is it because of Marvelona. And I, nedopiv have thrown its or his pack from a fright. On arrival has home gone to the gynecologist - inside all normally, has told or said to hand over the analysis on Prolactinum - he it has appeared high. It has appeared later, that Prolactinum to me could lift "Eglonylum" - it or him have cancelled. Milk still goes, but not in such quantities or amounts (all over again at pressing dripped on a floor). And monthly 2 months after that is not present. I am not pregnant. What to do or make and what in general occurs or happens?

07.10.2004, 17:14
Monthly is not present at raised or increased Prolactinum is it is connected. When Prolactinum will return to norm or rate, the cycle will be restored. It is possible to wait a little more, and then the doctor should make a decision on purpose or appointment of Parlodelum or other preparations reducing a level of Prolactinum

07.10.2004, 17:33
And when Prolactinum should fall? The matter is that I have found out in myself allocation in the extremity or end of July...

08.10.2004, 14:20
Usually without treatment he does not fall. But leenie the attending physician can naznachait only