Просмотр полной версии : Mestruatsy is not present, and the stomach or belly hurts.

04.10.2004, 19:02
At me a delay of a cycle. How much greater or big to tell or say is exact I can not - he at me from 30 till 35 days usually, happens and more. Today 41-st day, that in itself not so surprises me. Surprises, that here some days the stomach or belly, from time to time almost hurts as is strong, as during a menses, but nothing occurs or happens.

And more in right to a side any pulling sensations - that in a waist, somewhere near an appendage. They and earlier appeared, but tincture of grasses for kidneys (I think, what is it a kidney, can, sand at me is small) usually helps or assists within several days. Or it not kidneys at all?

By the way, the right ovary at me is a little bit increased (I can probe). But so was since juvenile years, and the doctor to me then has told or said, what is it normally. To me 28, beremennostej was not.

Can, at me any infection? Whether there can be an infection anywhere? We with the husband already very much for a long time together, the third parties in our attitudes or relations did not appear.

08.10.2004, 08:16
Try to make US. It, most likely, will clear a situation.