Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is possible to leave pregnancy

29.09.2004, 12:06
PROMPT please. Treated a ureaplasmosis - rovomitsin 6 mg/day + terzhinan - 7 days. Now - the delay - has made the test - positively. By estimation of now - 5 weeks, treatment was necessary for 3 4 weeks. WHAT TO DO or MAKE. What action renders rovomitsin, and in general antibiotics on the child? Whether it is possible to leave pregnancy. What forecast. Pregnancy long-awaited. 2 years ago was - the frozen pregnancy. After that - unsuccessfully. I am very glad. But during same time - I am afraid. Respond please.

30.09.2004, 10:39
The given preparation is applied during ber-, but on later terms. I consider or count, that ber- it is possible to leave. Hardly there was a negative influence on an embryos.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.