Просмотр полной версии : Cytomegalovirus

26.09.2004, 14:31
Hello, prompt please... Recently I have handed over analyses at the gynecologist on an infection, and in me have found out a cytomegalovirus. The doctor has registered to me Trichopolum and suppositories makmiror and viferon. As to me will do or make trays or basins + nyxes priparatom Galavit. On the Internet I subtracted or deducted (about this virus), that if good immunaja system that is not necessary treatments if bad that is necessary (not about what nyxes there was not spoken). How the doctor defines or determines what at me immunaja system? Any signs at me was not... Whether it is necessary for me to do or make nyxes and to pass or take place treatment? Whether and as it is dangerous Galavit as I since the childhood do not have practically not one inoculation (last time when to me did or made an inoculation in the childhood, it nearly has not ended with a lethal outcome)??? In advance thanks

27.09.2004, 15:33
In you have found out TSMY in smear PTSR from shejki uteruses or antibodies to it or him;them in a blood? Treatment is not necessary in any case, in the first case now it is necessary to be protected month that has not come or stepped beoemennost, and in the second case (antibodies in a blood)-in general anything to do or make it is not necessary. It is norm or rate of a life