Просмотр полной версии : Polycystosis?

26.09.2004, 00:39
At me such problem. To me 24 years, monthly have begun in 14, the cycle always was irregular. Doctors constantly calmed or abirritated, that he will just about be adjusted. In 21 year when delays began to come nearer to half a year, pojavlisja partially a hirsutism, has started to sound alarm in this occasion. Has handed over analyses on hormones: LG - 5,7647 (at norm or rate 0,9-14,4), FSG - 7,6601 (at norm or rate 1,2-20,4), Oestradiolum - 38,695 (nnorma 30-250), Testosteron-Depotum 2,4919 (norm or rate 0,5-4,3), Testosteron-Depotum 0,61 (norm or rate 0,09-1,09), US. These analyses handed over not in the certain day of a cycle, and at the big delay monthly. Has passed or has taken place inspection at the endocrinologist, that's all right, but periodically happens the hydrocortisone (top, or hardly above, border of norm or rate) is overestimated. The gynecologist has diagnosed - disturbance of a cycle on the basis of a polycystosis of ovaries though the numerous US has not shown presence in ovaries of any cysts or a thick environment, all the sizes long in norm or rate. Have written out hormonal therapy for stimulation of an ovulation for 3 months: First half of cycle proginova 2 times a day, second half - Djufaston too two times a day. After cancelling Djufastona all 3 months went monthly. But on US for 12-13 days of a cycle of an ovulation and was not. After that the gynecologist has approved or confirmed the diagnosis "polycystosis" finally, has told or said, that except for a laparoscopy nothing will help or assist. For umenshenija a hirsutism and a regulation of a cycle has written out to Diana-35.
I with these analyses have addressed to other gynecologist who has told or said, that the polycystosis is not present, differently though any attributes would be visible on US. And what for to do or make a laparoscopy, if to cut out and run low there is nothing? The Last gynecologist has told or said, that in my situation Oestradiolum is strongly underestimated and overestimated FSG. But in fact according to analyses all within the limits of norm or rate? The new gynecologist has registered a cyclic course of vitamins, an electrophoresis. Criteria 3 cycles BT, but all without changes - changed from 36,4 up to 36,8 maximum. Did or made US - ovulations and is not present. Now after a cancelling to Diana monthly 4 months basically on a regular basis, but a cycle of 35 days came. The gynecologist has told or said, what is it there can be rests of hormones and a cycle again can get off, delays to increase. One of these days monthly should come fifth time, but have now appeared any pinkish allocation already pojati 4 days, but not monthly.
What will you advise in such situation? In what there can be a problem? To what opinion to listen? Whether there can be it any latent form of a polycystosis or any other disease? Whether it is possible to become pregnant in such situation? Otvete please, more in detail. In advance, thanks!

26.09.2004, 08:40
doobsledovatsja. At you a hypo-ovaria on a background giperandrogenii (about a polycystosis of speech is not present). After specification of the diagnosis stimulation of an ovulation (earlier there was not a stimulation) is shown.

Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich - the doctor of the maximum or supreme category, the -gynecologist-.