Просмотр полной версии : prorez instead of a papilla

20.09.2004, 16:21
The dear doctor.
At me 9 ti the years or summer daughter. After a birth, one of nurses has paid my attention to papilla on grudke at a daughter. Actually instead of a papilla at it or her small prorez, as shchelka. I have addressed to the children's doctor, but the doctor could not tell or say with confidence anything, have advised to wait while the breast will start to be formed. Already it is visible, that grudki have started to swell up a little, but the dummy former and is not present. I looked at other girls - for all dummies is available.
What is it? Kakaja-Any pathology? Whether It is necessary kak-to treat it that?

22.09.2004, 09:18
The involved papilla widespread enough phenomenon. It is a variant of norm or rate.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.