Просмотр полной версии : Dysplasia

Simply I
09.09.2004, 17:47
I very much for a long time was disturbed with purulent discharges, after long inspection and treatment by antibiotics, to me answers come that the infection (ureaplasmosis) is cured but now Would find a dysplasia 3, explain please as it is dangerous and that in this case it is better to undertake, at present I pass or I take place treatment laferonom 1 mln.ezhedn in tech. Month, then the biopsy is appointed or nominated, allocation they do not pass or take place now mucous character.

17.09.2004, 02:04
Uvadaemaja jris90!

Dysplasia and allocation - things different. If you have both displays - the problem more the general or common, than necessity of disposal of both displays of illness or disease (but not from two illnesses or diseases) means, most likely.

Mucous allocation not always happen pathological. The woman in norm or rate has a quantity mucous vydeleny. What in this occasion your gynecologist (which looked you) speaks?

The general or common lesions of the organism, shown different, at first sight, independent illnesses or diseases the homeopathy very not bad treats.

19.09.2004, 17:39
Addition. About a dysplasia.

She is dangerous not in itself, and an opportunity of a degeneration in cancer character of a tissue, that is is some precondition to disease by a cancer. And though the percent or interest of degenerations is not great also few preconditions to illness or disease pass in illness or disease, it is necessary to concern to her with attention. For a long time it is known, that the cancer is not illness or disease of an organ, and obshcheorganizmennym disease. Therefore even successful treatment, for example, a carcinoma cutaneum, quite often leads to occurrence of the cancer center in other organ. Display of the precondition is the first zvonochkom.

*quot; AiU??an*quot; the medicine offers expectant or waiting or surgical tactics. But both do not solve a problem of predisposition of an organism to the given illness or disease, and your problem or task - to try to clean or remove predisposition. That is, you have one more excellent or different occasion more close to meet a homeopathy.

20.09.2004, 14:36
Dear jris90!

Wait while the doctor-gynecologist will respond to your consultation. If will not respond, write once again. At this forum there are competent doctors gynecologists though they not sometimes to a duty or debt do not answer questions of patients.

Doctor Israel responds all patients equally: *quot; address to a homeopathist, treatment uaOa?O?Ooa?*quot;.

Dysplasia not that thing with which it is possible to joke. And to get rid of predisposition it is possible only having changed an organism;) Probably a homeopathy it already is able...

20.09.2004, 14:39
Dear Jris,

You have received references of the representative of alternative medicine. The main problem of this advice or council consists that he is not subject to progress, i.e. hundred years ago advice or council would be precisely same. Meanwhile our comprehension of a cervical pathology has considerably improved, and *quot; usual ?Nn???a*quot; has developed or produced strict tactics of treatment/observation of such patients.

From your short report, on the basis of, that you speak that about a biopsy in future time, I can assume, that the diagnosis *quot; a dysplasia 3i*quot; it is put CYTOLOGICALLY, i.e. on the basis of DADDIES of a smear (a smear on Papanikolau). Interpreting of results of a smear business uneasy. The best system for the description of results of a smear is - Bethesda system, accepted in the developed countries. *quot; dysplasias 3i*quot; on this system does not exist. The cytologic diagnosis can look or appear so: 1) norm or rate, 2) ASCUS - atypical cells of obscure value or meaning;importance 3) LSIL - squamous intraepitelialnye lesions of low gradation; 3) HSIL - squamous intraepitelialnye lesions of high gradation. In your case speech, probably, goes about HSIL. HSIL - the indication to a colposcopy (the doctor examines a surface shejki uteruses under augmentation) and biopsies. The biopsy is called to put the HISTOLOGICAL diagnosis, namely finally to solve: There is a neoplasia (CIN - cervical intraepithelial lesions) or not. CIN, on depth of a lesion, it is subdivided or sectioned into 3 stages (1,2 and 3, and letters and, in besides are not used). HSIL not always mean CIN-2,3. The neoplasia 2,3 proves to be true gistologicheski in 70-80 % of cases. CIN is NOT a cancer, and the reasons for excitements should not be. Operative treatment is shown at CIN-3. Treatment will consist at a distance the center of a lesion (out-patient operation). If it will be revealed CIN-1,2 treatment (in most cases) has observant character (repeated testings) since very much often CIN-1,2, e o, i.e. ee current (especially at teenagers and young women). Clearly, why CIN-1,2 can be *quot; fine O?Ooa?U*quot; homeopathic pills. Your age? Whether the analysis on papillomavirus Was spent?

About efficiency of treatment of cervical pathology Laferonom the science does not know.

20.09.2004, 15:41
I only wish to add, that if research was spent ON the BACKGROUND of an inflammation (unimportantly, that the ureaplasmosis was absent, the level of leucocytes in a usual smear is important) she can be its or his consequence or investigation and display, instead of preoncologic process. It is necessary to do or make and think, eat a biopsy a dysplasia or not, only after confidence in full izlechennosti inflammatory process - at an ideal smear. If the diagnosis have put on a background of an inflammation it is possible about to not think itself at all.

20.09.2004, 15:57
I have passed or have taken place the next treatment zanotsinom, trikasajdom, first three days in \in kap. Then about seven days tabl.intravaginalno-, terzhinan, wads with sea-buckthorn berries, solkoserilom.lineks, tsikloferon. Has very hardly transferred or carried an organism, there was a dysbacteriosis, rising t- up to 38.5, now allocation proceed already with a blood, mucous stenok vaginas very inflamed lekgo vulnerable, bleeds after a touch, at survey shejka soft, have excluded an alien or a foreign body (t.k.othodjat dead tissues the doctor has thought that can the rests filched) was surveyed uzi and a roentgen nothing accepts takogo.vse peerly the doctor has appointed or nominated ekstsiziju ? \m, soskob to do or make are afraid because of an inflammation, suggest to make an extirpation, I am afraid to me 34 years two children, but same will always be was in time or had time why the inflammation does not leave?

20.09.2004, 16:06
On laboratory _-leucocytes all field of vision, elements of an epithelium

The hedgehog
20.09.2004, 16:54

20.09.2004, 17:14
Kind all of health! Here already has passed or has taken place as early as a year I all I am ill or sick, now to me diagnose an endometriosis of a vagina. Mucous red krovotochashaja, morbid, cicatrix after sorts or labors (epiziotomija 15 years ago) it is constant vospalyonnyj.prinmala two months danol 400 then 600 .bylo improvement on a month, then all vozobnovilos.analizy surrendered after provocation on all infections, everywhere minuses, allocation already less, is appointed or nominated immunostimulirujushchaja and homeopathic therapy. On a question can excise the inflamed sites, the doctor responds, that there it is necessary to exsect all vagina, suggests to have patience, and to force an organism to struggle independently. shejka after konizatsii.muzh has handed over analyses the carriage is revealed gardenelez, a trichomoniasis, V. Now passes or takes place treatment at androloga, to me it has been appointed or nominated meratin and traumel tab. and ointment on mucous, though analyses negative. I on all agree, tired from treatment for illness or disease, I wish to live normally sexual zhiznju.teper viferon, atsiklovir, dufaston, ehinatseja a composite in amp., traumel in amp. And ointment solkoseril. If there will be at you for me kind advice or council I is very grateful. I ask to consider that is treated 8 10 courses of antibiotics. The husband was treated together with me. Thanks for attention.

20.09.2004, 17:16
So if on danole improvement was surprising), can prolong a course? Can appoint or nominate diferelin? It would be necessary to take a biopsy from suspicious sites - the adenosis of a vagina can.... What the histology removed shejki has shown?

20.09.2004, 17:18
So if on danole improvement was surprising), can prolong a course? Can appoint or nominate diferelin? It would be necessary to take a biopsy from suspicious sites - the adenosis of a vagina can.... What the histology removed shejki has shown?

Today was on consultation at other doctor, its or his answer was : here is not present, the nonspecific vulvitis-is possible or vulvitis-is probable;vulvitis-probably is available an infection on which for us there are no tests. Homeopathic treatment + a diet is appointed or nominated, and in a week to seem. Other doctor which did or made konizatsiju shejki uteruses one year ago has told or said : pure or clean, and mucous istonchyonnaja and as in combustions or physical traumas, but I had a sexual rest within month, and improvements any. And he more agree with antiviral and immunostimulirujushchim treatment.

20.09.2004, 17:21
So if on danole improvement was surprising), can prolong a course? Can appoint or nominate diferelin? It would be necessary to take a biopsy from suspicious sites - the adenosis of a vagina can.... What the histology removed shejki has shown?

And what such an adenosis of a vagina? Where it is possible to learn or find out the information? So after hormones, the weight is typed or collected, and I would not like to recover, for 2 months of reception danola to me it was necessary strongly popotet to remain in the form of:)

20.09.2004, 17:22
The positive effect danola is very surprising....

You should go on consultation to experts on a pathology shejki uteruses, vulva and vaginas and to find out at last the diagnosis. I do not think, that it is a question of an infectious inflammation.

20.09.2004, 17:22
The positive effect danola is very surprising....

You should go on consultation to experts on a pathology shejki uteruses, vulva and vaginas and to find out at last the diagnosis. I do not think, that it is a question of an infectious inflammation.

Thanks you for attention, have become interested in me many experts from the regional center, main infektolog, the oncologist with 18 years or summer experience, the oncologist with the 7-years experience of operative surgery, the gynecologist on a pathology shejki uteruses. And all that I write it from their words. And I the nurse.