Просмотр полной версии : Than these results of analyses are dangerous

17.09.2004, 11:04
Prompt, than the following clinical picture, the analysis of a blood can be proved:

- A mycoplasmosis - positive, 1:100

- A ureaplasmosis - positive, 1:100

More nothing is revealed, analyses by birth surrendered on all ZPPP.

On a smear the candidiasis is certain.

Than the given diseases, in the specified parities or ratio if they chronic, and how to understand can be dangerous, what on a smear the candidiasis, by birth - only a mycoplasmosis and a ureaplasmosis is defined or determined only?

Whether they can influence on chronic akne, spots?

Still such moment - after the sexual certificate or act without a condom (I accept OK) during 1-3- days unpleasant sensations in a vagina, such sensation, that with purulent discharges are observed. While with a condom of any similar sensations it is not observed. What is it can mean?