Просмотр полной версии : Precancerous diseases of female genitals

05.09.2004, 02:52
Sofia - - ---During a menopause of 49 years has been revealed and removed a polyp of the cervical channel. The histological conclusion: epidermizirujushchijsja a -fibrous polyp of the channel shejki uteruses, a basal polyp endometrija, ikartsinirovannyj? A variant. Reception djufastona and in 3 months - the control over US is appointed or nominated. If there will be adverse changes - operation excision of a uterus. I am afraid, that behind scientific terminology hide from me true, what is it a cancer. Who to me can clear a situation?

05.09.2004, 22:43
basic - - ---True from you do not hide, but tactics medical is not absolutely correct. During menopauzalnogo perehodadavajte we shall use the terminology accepted in all mirenelzja to carry out a polypectomy - the polypectomy with razdelnymfraktsionymdiagnosticheskim a currettage of the cervical channel and a cavity of the uterus is necessary. Then the doctor has all necessary information for definition of further tactics. Concerning Djufastona, in yours sluchaepri similar obscure PGI I would be reinsured and naznachilesli it is impossible to make a currettage Depostatum.

13.09.2004, 15:00
Natalia Ivanovna (natalia@mail.ru) - - ---Hello, on survey at the gynecologist after a colposcopy has been diagnosed a leukoplakia. Result onkotsitologii - a part of cells of a flat epithelium with diskariozom kernels. I wait for results of a biopsy. What conclusions can be made at the given stage. What cytologic picture at a serious dysplasia or a cancer. What presumable diagnosis can be put to me. This epopee lasts 2 months and at me a teeth are unclenched. pozhaoujsta respond. Thanks.

15.09.2004, 18:46
basic - - ---the Leukoplakia shejki uteruses? How old are you?

16.09.2004, 10:11
Natalia Ivanovna (natalia@mail.ru) - - ---21 year, I am protected Regividonom in techeni 1 year, married. A menses since 14 years. A sexual life since 15,5 years. Beremenostej and abortions were not. A leukoplakia diagnoztirovali after a colposcopy with application of tests of Schiller and more any.