Просмотр полной версии : To us of 9 weeks. Have found fiber in urine. Than for the kid it threatens. In general I want z...

28.08.2004, 20:28
To us of 9 weeks. Have found fiber in urine. Than for the kid it threatens. In general I wish to know about fiber in urine. Have appointed or nominated the repeated analysis. ZHudko I worry.

01.09.2004, 01:34
Do not experience. In most cases fiber is caused by the "wrong" collecting of urine (have badly washed a jar or have got allocation from a vagina). Make the repeated analysis and will see, that all at you will be good!

04.09.2004, 02:08
Fiber in urine means vospolitelnyj process even if at you and at the repeated analysis will find fiber, the doctor will appoint or nominate to you a preparation which has no contraindications at pregnancy and all at you will be good. I too had a fiber in urine, but after course of treatment all has passed or has taken place. For detki it is not so good, but not so it is terrible, especially this all is treated, the result of treatment will be already in couple of days, at least in my case there was all so

07.09.2004, 15:35
And on kaoj weeks at you have found fiber

07.09.2004, 22:52
I had it in the first trimester, the doctor has told or said, that if that will proceed pojavljatsja fiber after 12 we shall be treated by the resolved antibiotics, and that is possible slech with a pyelonephritis in hospital, I so was frightened, that zealously accepted the renal collectings appointed or nominated to me and Kanefon, have drunk from 2 h the put blisters or blebs only one course (20. 3. In day) and then (I hand over the analysis all the same constantly to supervise) fiber any more was not.

Janna for Anna
10.09.2004, 13:38
And renal zbory to you mrach has appointed or nominated after 12 nedelek or you accepted UP TO

11.09.2004, 19:41
First has handed over the analysis on 5 j nedele-fiber, peresdala-again fiber, Have appointed or nominated Kanefon as I wrote, but I drank it or him not on a regular basis, constantly forgot, then of the beginning of pregnancy in all doubted and in Kanefone too (there there is an alcohol) as a result have counted, that itself will pass or take place. When on 9 j where that has handed over, there fiber has increased, here that me have frightened properly and paralelno Kanefonu have appointed or nominated the renal collecting (most usual), in two weeks analyses were in norm or rate and all the subsequent show the same.

janna for Anna
13.09.2004, 01:14
Anechka! Thanks you big for a clarification. Now all I understand. Has a little calmed down.