Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Please, clear a situation on following questions: 1. On...

28.08.2004, 21:58
Please, clear a situation on following questions:
1. On US have put a duration of gestation on two weeks more, than the doctor at survey, I, and calculation under the formula of day of sorts or labors which was resulted or brought at given "conference" (the first day posl. menstr. +7 days - three months). Uzi - 7 weeks, all rest specifies 5 weeks. Who is right?
2. Everywhere write that toshnit should cease in the beginning of the second trimester, t. e. Since 13 weeks. If has sharply ceased toshnit in 10 weeks (rekt. T 37, 2, the breast - former hurts), whether means, what something not so?
3. Whether should be any allocation on such term?

The anonym
01.09.2004, 21:22
1. Tanja, doctors always on a prostock add weeks or two as if the child on their term will not be born, their parents start to shake, the pier why the child still was not born, to me too on UZi in 5 weeks a prostock have added 2 nedelki. And all can is correct to you have told or said, it already precisely by the calculations can learn or find out.
2. And here a toxicosis, it is already pure or clean individually at whom that it in general is not present, at me is sharp in 9 - 10 weeks has stopped, then in couple of days has again begun, and till 12 weeks was. At the sister of my it or him was not in general, she at all does not know what is it such:-)
3. I have more than them, than was up to pregnancy.

02.09.2004, 09:16
Term ber-ti the attending physician puts, instead of US. US only additional method. The nausea and a dyscomfort of milk or dairy glands can pass or take place on any term. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

05.09.2004, 22:53
It do not agree with pred. Opinion. What means " to add for emergency "?!!!. Accuracy of term is important even about one days! Some analyses (genetic) are based or founded;established on conformity of a duration of gestation (about one days) to the maintenance or contents of various substances in a blood. And how much or as far as I know, doctors are based on US when put a duration of gestation. Look or see, that will show a trace. US. And still probably such, that to you one doctor puts pregnancy from 1 day of a menses, and another from conception. Take an interest. I wish to understand all!

09.09.2004, 17:07
1. Never on US put exact term!!! It already from a series of "sclerosis" of the pregnant woman when she cannot recollect last menses! Or if has held on till 5 6 months and only then has risen on the account. Term is counted FROM 1 go DAY of LAST MONTHLY. Yes, is such concept as age of a fetus, which (it is quite logical, on rasschyotu ovulations) differs for 2 weeks. But Lena has got confused, UZI-that not has given out smaller term, and greater. And in ZHK could not be guided by "prospective" date of conception (yes nobody can be assured or confident when the ootid even if 1 time for a cycle sex to be engaged was impregnated). And, by the way, always there is admissible "error" for US in some days.
2. Anywhere do not write, that "should" be, or at least do not mean. All sensations are especially individual and there are no occasions for fears when the status improves:). It already your happiness.
3. The same concerns or touches vydeleny. Usually at pregnant women they amplify. Can sometimes contain "bad" things, but it will notice at regular visiting ZHK your attending physician. If allocation at you are present, but do not disturb (an itch, a burning sensation or a smell) - that most likely all is normal.