Просмотр полной версии : Devchyonochki all greetings and good to you of state of health.: 0) at me to you in...

23.08.2004, 19:49
Devchyonochki all greetings and good to you of state of health.: 0) at me to you a question, not medical. When you have started to buy to Kids of a thing, krovatku, a carriage? To us of 25 weeks, and at me an arm or a hand "cheshutsja" on deskie purchases, are already all on an extract (familiar distances: 0)), and in general koe-what things have bought, to pair or steam dummies, butylochku, clothes some... Here on day have bought or purchased Maske a locker for things with pelinalnym the built in little table. Can rather early still while?: 0) But simply I can not stop, I shall not sweep away certainly all that I see but what very or very much to like I buy, I can not give up to myself in pleasure!!!: 0) how are you doing are with new things for Krohi?: 0)

24.08.2004, 09:16
It is normal, when " arms or hand are scratched ":) I too already have bought or purchased much (konvertik, clothes koe-what) even krovatku. Up to butylok-the papilla have not reached yet, this goods everywhere suffices, and here large purchases demand the special approach. Protection for krovatki needs to be chosen correctly, matrasik. A carriage I want with a demountable crable that in the machine or car held, to us often to go it is necessary. Here I am going to it or this to borrow or occupy about a trace. Weeks, weather on this does not please:) And 31 week, it is possible and to begin in a maternity home on the sly all to buy, and that then the husband zamuchaetsja itself on shops to be wound.

27.08.2004, 19:47
Masjatka, and you already know a floor of the kid? I till now do not know, who - the little boy or the little girl. Though the intuition prompts, what is it the girl, and doctors are inclined to believe intuition of future mum:)
At me too 25 weeks, and I simply cannot pass by pretty nurseries odyozhek:) it has appeared right after that as the kid has begun to move also it absolutely normally! In a month we shall buy krovatku and a carriage. By the way, girls, very much to me extolled a carriage with a crable, speak and in a children's out-patient department conveniently, and in the machine or car it is possible to put (provided that the crable will be near to one of parents).
Who knows something about matrasikah, prompt, what it is better?
Success to you and kids!

31.08.2004, 03:56
Olja and Malyshik hello! On US in 17 18 weeks to us have told or said, that is similar to the boy, but not exact. I pochemu-that since the childhood have been assured, that the first at us will be synulka. The husband too very much wants the first son, well if docha, certainly too we shall be madly glad. A carriage we shall buy too gde-that in August, such now a choice huge, it is necessary to be prepared as follows: 0) And about a carriage with a crable too heard many wood responses. ch. While we collect the information from different sources before purchase!!!: 0) about matrasiki anything especially valuable I can not tell or say, were not defined or determined yet, but speak very much are in demand any modern matrasiki from a coco (not shavings certainly), and probably from fibers, well I do not know, I while such did not see on sale... Well and in general I am glad, that a lot of such mamulek which receive huge pleasure from Masjuskinh purchases... Success to you and malushku (shke): 0)!!!

04.09.2004, 03:08
MasjaTka, same it is absolutely normal:) I here already almost have bought or purchased all, and at me only 28 weeks. And any children's shop I shall not pass or miss:))) Only with clothes fors-the major has left. First US has shown, that there will be a girl. Much devchjachego have given or remote girlfriends, remains from the first daughter a little, well and has bought koe-that. It has been assured, that devchenka. An is not present! On US two weeks back eyes saw, that the boy there:) SHok-it is to ours! Rozovenkoe in a saccule (the girlfriend any day will give birth to the blessing and there like exact the girl) and forward in shop for golubenkim;)))
So buy to itself on pleasure! Besides - to mine it is better, when you in a maternity home already and do not twitch, that something have not bought or purchased.

06.09.2004, 04:57
Masjatka, thanks big for answers. And at you is e-mail? It is possible to support or maintain dialogue!:)
Success Both of you with patsanyonkom (?):)

09.09.2004, 14:25
Ksenka, I here too am afraid, that fors-the major such to leave and at me can! From children's clothes at me prevail pink and peach tone - I from the very beginning pochemu-that am confident, that I will have a girl:) but... The child the first and if the first will be the boy, not terribly, then we shall try or taste still and the girl:) if only the first pregnancy to go through!:)
Success all