Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether it is valid, after spent procedures EKO, zabere...

26.08.2004, 15:13
The dear doctor!
Whether it is valid, after spent procedures EKO, to become pregnant in other ways it becomes impossible, as there are solderings (in an ovary iz-for a puncture a catheter at a fence of ootids), ootids interfering penetration into a uterine pipe?
And more one question. Whether can influence body height endometrija the raised or increased level of Prolactinum?

Kamenetskij B.A.
27.08.2004, 07:05
No, it not so

30.08.2004, 02:39
The doctor, instead of you could decipher a little the answer (to answer and on the second question) as our further method of treatment can depend on it or him?
To you would be very grateful.

Kamenetskij B.A.
02.09.2004, 14:17
It is hypothetically possible to consider or examine;survey such situation, t. To. Rising of Prolactinum in a blood causes suppression of emission of a normal daily rhythm ljuliberina as consequence or investigation suppression of secretion FSG and LG, and also can cause immediate suppression of function of ovaries (t. e depression of a level of estrogens on periphery) to lead to a chronic anovulation, and accordingly, to changes (disturbance of normal development) endometrija. However at once I want will make a reservation, that described above change occur or happen far not always, and the level of Prolactinum in a blood is subject to serious daily fluctuations. At all I do not know, whether to you became more clear???

06.09.2004, 00:33
That you speak that quite clearly.

The ambiguity remains by way of a choice of medical establishment.
I shall try to explain in brief.
After 3 attempts EKO + IKSI (unsuccessful) and followed them 2 h attempts of an insemination (also unsuccessful) in one center, we send or have come on consultation to the leading doctor of other center.
Among many remarks (which, konechno-vprjamuju were not sounded) on conducting programs, have sounded in particular and available in the questions set by us above (t. e. Senselessness of carrying out of inseminations after spent programs EKO and absence in spent programs of updating concerning a high level of Prolactinum). Endometry at us with each attempt all more weakly and more weakly...

Apparently on these two questions approaches of experts of the given centers diametrically differ.
Probably it is not absolutely correct to make a choice of continuation of treatment in one center or leaving or care in another on the basis of such "incidental" data.
But safety factor at us is already small, and the price of a possible or probable mistake or error opposite - is very great.

08.09.2004, 08:17
In any case, Big to you thanks for answers.