Просмотр полной версии : Girls at somebody have deteriorated during pregnancy of the attitude or relation with rodstv...

27.08.2004, 19:52
Girls at somebody have deteriorated during pregnancy of the attitude or relation with relatives (mother-in-law)... Before the attitude or relation were normal, even warm enough... Now she nachalala to irritate me... We have bought or purchased a carriage, and she speaks chyo SUCH have bought or purchased, and that tsvet-that such have chosen? Then she kak-asked that as the kid we shall name, I have told or said as plpniruem and the day before yesterday on a visit behind a table this subject has risen and here she speaks publicly, that the pier such name is not pleasant to me, any staryom veet...: - (I certainly can assume, that tastes at all different but that about it or this for table publicly to speak, well to not like and is not necessary, same not your name, me too to not like what is her name, but I do not shout about it or this at all table!!!

28.08.2004, 02:58
Arinas, it's OK. It is the fact, that during pregnancy we become more acquisitive to " external razdrozhiteljam ". The mother-in-law so to aspire to show the importance, experience and importance in your life can, certainly to you is serious if you live together, especially, probably such applications publicly she tries to draw to herself attention, in fact teber it is completely concentrated to you and the kid (including liked synochka), it is complex or difficult to judge its or her attention, but she from those mummies who are very quivering to enhanced attention to the person can. To you it is very important not razdrozhatsja as from it or this and to the kid it is sad (he for you more important, than idle talk of the mother-in-law?!). Certainly difficultly, but hotjaby try to concern to its or her applications not in bayonets, and with humour... She: " that that on behalf of second-hand articles veet... ", you: " Mummy, well you know we priverzhenniki traditions... It is possible to name certainly child Marija-Elena-Laurdes as in that remarkable Mexican serial, but with a patronymic it will be combined not so, and all taki you always stood up for culture and traditions of our people ".. With kaljaskoj is even easier, it is simply possible (for a kind) it will be afflicted and to tell or say serezno-ah, well chto-to do or make it is necessary to buy or purchase the truth another, mum same now it is necessary to sell, will help or assist, it is necessary to advertize in the newspaper... Ah what to do or make... I think she the first will convince, that this carriage superskaja. To put it briefly, the main thing to not enter the conflict, do not want obshchatsja-be isolated, when there will be a kid (I think whenever possible, it is necessary to not involve the mother-in-law strongly in education of the baby, and that will enrage you, that you swaddle not and feed not so, after sorts or labors with it or this to consult, it seems to me more hardly, - let on a visit goes), and so when the kid will appear, think all will be adjusted. At me was (on fair pereodicheski there is) a small problem, but not in the mother-in-law, and in the father-in-law, (we vremeno live together) which poest-from a table will not erase a crumb, the plate will be filled in - will not wipe, will express in style, that the woman should keep up everywhere and at job with 9 19 and prepare and the house ideally soderazhat, it that job responsible or crucial and actually earnings go to fund of purchase by it or him of an apartment, to him to understand it difficultly, he nothing is not overstrained at job, on the house in general does or makes, poel-to sleep, pospal-has eaten... And here demagogies to plant, it for happiness, enraged me any time strongly more shortly, but in the first I through the son have started to spend "educational" protses, and then this or thus by itself has receded.. Success and calmness, only calmnesses!

28.08.2004, 20:21
Anyutas, thanks for participation, lives she not with us, thanks God!!! But calls daily... I shall abstract for any time: 0))) I Shall hope, that my boring has temporary character... That it or her "not irritate", that has recovered in its or her opinion much (for 8 months of 8 kg.), its or her friend of all has typed or collected 3. And the child normal was born, and all that with top it, type, ilzishki...: - (I have bought or purchased a corner, and she speaks I spoke you it is not necessary at me is (20 ti years or summer prescription!!!) has wanted, a pancake, and has bought or purchased!!! That with the grandson for a money I shall sit!!! More shortly uzhast, has got... Well I shall not be nervous!!!: 0) the main thing at our place all is good, and it is much more important!!!: 0)

29.08.2004, 08:29
Arishenka it would not be desirable you to upset, but at me after rodovyj the neurosis was while I a breast to feed have not thrown, and it has occured or happened when Lize (by the way the name too very much was not pleasant to my mother-in-law) was year and three months. Here and a vein. And with the mother-in-law dosih pores kontak we shall not adjust though earlier it was for me the most close person. Indulges Lizuhu much. And in fact then I shall be guilty that incorrectly I bring up. But my child and its or her problems is its or her problems she of the children has brought up itself. Here and I bring up. I think and at you all will be good.

01.09.2004, 22:11
Anyutas, thanks still time for words of support!!! All of you of the blessings!!!: 0)

04.09.2004, 02:54
Arina! I with the mother-in-law have sworn from that I not having had time to give birth to the first child, she already speaks me that is necessary the second! Plus to all has told or said what that to the girlfriend who at me was on wedding only to devour, even a gift small has not presented, and the muzzle opposite up to horror, a toad has not kissed neither me, nor the husband:-) plus to all what that warts at it or her on the face, my husband hates this woman, koldunja she in pridachu to all:-) and so my mother-in-law to her has told, that to speak the beginnings to me as me it is necessary to eat what to do or make, well its or her this business! I all have told or said that I think, ushchla, having slammed a door and to communicate I with svekruhoj DO NOT WANT! And with the brother of my husband has sworn from - for that that that endlessly asked me moves the child or not, I have hinted the mother-in-law that I do not like that he at mja sprishavaet, its or his squanderer still on uzi to the story? She has ignored my complaint, as a result to him I tozh have told or said to pair or steam tender! Earlier I could not that that to tell or say, but during pregnancy I have grown bolder, that and you I advise! Speak that you think, and about what do not experience, the husband will understand you, and will smooth a situation. CHTo-something is not pleasant speak DIRECTLY!!! Not they bore all your pregnancy ljalechku, they suffered or bore an early toxicosis, means it or him to solve! Success to you and all blessings!

07.09.2004, 22:00
Thanks Murka, really, has bothered a smile to squeeze out!!!