Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, the extracts of grasses which are a part of tea for feeding - an...

28.08.2004, 09:41
Tell or Say please, the extracts of grasses which are a part of tea for feeding - an anise, rapivy, fenhelja, caraway seeds, leaves of an anise, a grass galegi, the Italian fennel, whether pregnant women are harmful? I simply heard, that grasses use even for an abortion. Suddenly here something dangerous for puzika is? Thanks.

31.08.2004, 15:32
Esli ne zlooputreblyat, to chai mozhno pit i vo vremya beremennosti. No luchshe pit prostye travyanye chai - myata (uspokaivaet, oblegchaet pischevarenie, izbavlyaet ot gazov), romachka (rasslablyaet, antiseptik).

01.09.2004, 06:14
So I still feed with a breast the son six-monthly, and milk like became less, so I for maintenance of a lactemia.
All the same thanks for the answer

01.09.2004, 22:44
Irinas, I do not wish you to frighten, but on how much I know at acknowledgement or confirmation of pregnancy it is necessary to stop urgently to nurse, read, that at feeding the new kid receives less necessary, and itself protses can cause or call an abortion, BUT the opinion of your gynecologist, t is important unconditional also. To. It that pocherpnuto me from books, instead of from experience.

03.09.2004, 06:03
Here and the gynecologist speaks to stop, and I cannot at once raz-and tear off feeding, I even yet have not started to lure. And in books I too read about it or this. But here if who has shared experience....

06.09.2004, 03:10
Time already and opinion of the gynecologist coincides - stop! You do not wish to do much harm to not born kid!!!

07.09.2004, 15:44
Irish, experience I shall not share, but in fact at skolkih mummies in time milk, and when even opportunities to feed a floor of year as at you was not and then they suddenly pass with the kid to admixtures so in it or this is not present no trouble vanishes. But at you it will be already fast two kids, fine!