Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! The test has shown two strias - I very much was delighted!!! On mine on...

25.08.2004, 06:33
Good afternoon! The test has shown two strias - I very much was delighted!!! By my calculations (on spets. To a calendar for a site - 6 week). But any toxicosis it is not observed....... Simply what that samochustvie not clear: and not toshnit, also does not stir up. Fatigability simply what that. And dolzhdno to be or not? In advance thanks
On uzi I am going to to go this week.

28.08.2004, 01:04
I congratulate!!! At all of you normally do not worry, it should is not obligatory toshnit. And my doctor does not recommend to do or make US on such early term.

Alja for Marina
28.08.2004, 05:29
And on what term it is possible? And what analizi at once it is necessary to hand over?

28.08.2004, 18:44
I shall be lelat on 10 j to week. Analyses ask the doctor is better, I precisely do not know.

Alja for Marina
30.08.2004, 19:26
And what can threaten the kid if to make UZM this week? I simply wish to make sure that at me normal healthy pregnancy. Ato here it is much written about extrauterine, that I have already started to be afraid: - (

Alja for Marina
02.09.2004, 12:48
I had in view of US.

03.09.2004, 22:15
Alechka, I not the expert. But I very much trust the doctor (very qualified). I too was afraid extrauterine, but she to me has told or said that at me any signs. The doctor speaks, that is possible sprovatsirovat the stood pregnancy. Later I had a threat, and to me did or made US for some seconds (not vaginalno), have simply seen that a blister or bleb in a uterus.:))) Vaginalno the doctor categorically forbids to me.

Alja for Marina
06.09.2004, 16:10
Spasibki big Marishka for support!!!