Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My daughter of 16 years. At it or her high parameters KFK (happens prev...

31.08.2004, 17:25
Hello! My daughter of 16 years. At it or her high parameters KFK (there is an excess of norm or rate in 30 times), nuclear heating plant, ALT. Last diagnosis, that the doctor - the doctor of sciences (having made in 14 years has put her a biopsy) - dystrophia Djushena. After such conclusion, from my point of view - absolutely absurd, on doctors I do not go any more, it is tired, t. To. 2 years before it or this we practically did not study, and is constant gde-that were surveyed. Physically the girl looks or appears healthy, practically is not ill or sick. Unique visible disadvantages - she is completely not sports and very badly studies. In a year to her to leave school, but she will not hand over any examination. A unique output or exit - remission of them. Whether tell or say, please, is diagnosis PMD tap or removal from examinations. Thanks.

04.09.2004, 15:40
Rising of activity kreatinfosfokinazy happens not only at myopathy Djushena, and is not always connected at all with a myopathy. But almost always testifies to "suffering" of muscles.
And to release or exempt from examinations probably with any diagnosis as in the information or inquiry the diagnosis is born or taken out not always. Moreover, to acquaint teachers with the diagnosis it is fraught.

05.09.2004, 04:35
Forgive or Excuse and in detail protkol it is possible for a biopsy? In konfu the histologist.