Просмотр полной версии : At the husband diagnoz-an aphrenia. As it can be reflected in the child. Whether costs or stands in...

31.08.2004, 02:36
At the husband diagnoz-an aphrenia. As it can be reflected in the child. Whether it is necessary to have children in general?

Nekrasova N.J.
01.09.2004, 10:45
And what medical diagnosis? Age of the beginning? The mental retardation can be a different degree and have the different reason. Depending on it or this and the forecast is distinguished or various.

03.09.2004, 00:14
Diagnoz-debilizm. Has begun earlier. In the early childhood.
With 7 till 15 years was in STUBS. C.

Nekrasova N.J.
04.09.2004, 14:19
Your husband needs to pass or take place careful mediko-genetic inspection. At the faces, suffering the oligophrenia in a degree of a debility, quite often finds out a various hereditary syndromal pathology, disturbances in the organization of chromosomes. To exclude it it is possible only at survey and laboratory researches. Internal consultation genetics is necessary.