Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At the SON blood AV (4) At me And (2) At the husband In (3) Kto-someone...

29.08.2004, 18:26
The dear doctor!
At the SON blood AV (4)
At me And (2)
At the husband In (3)
Kto-someone has told or said - not your child. A hysterics!!!!
Calm, t. To. I wait for the second...

30.08.2004, 14:30
Bosh what. If at you a blood of group And - your genotype or AA or joint-stock company. If at your husband a blood of group In - its or his genotype or VV or IN. Each of you passes one of "letters" to the son. e. If you pass the son the letter And, and your husband the letter In - at it or him will be 1 group of a blood. It is possible or probable at any rasklade genotypes, but in the first case (AA + VV) chance of 100 %.:-)

30.08.2004, 17:36
xochy cprocit y vas ne mozet biti y menya dvoynya
potomy chto y moeu mami papa is dvouni?

Elene!!! i Sone!!!
31.08.2004, 13:45
Elena vse v poradke s geneticheskoy tochki zreniya, rebonok vash!!!;-)
Sonya, AB eto IV-ya gruppa krovi.:-)

02.09.2004, 01:33
Hello doctor! Ya proshy otvetit6 mne na eti voproci. Ya zdy ix.

Sonja - neizvetnomu
03.09.2004, 10:11
1 group - AB;
2 group - A;
3 group - B;
4 group - O;