Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor. The thrush, very strong allocation, an itch has tortured. Twice prolech...

30.08.2004, 22:34
Uv. The doctor. The thrush, very strong allocation, an itch has tortured. It was twice treated with application Klion-D, Betadina, burs in Glycerinum, syringings by a solution of soda and Nistatinum. For some time calms down, then again renews. Than still it is possible to be treated? And more a question. Year accepted Tri-regol. We wish to get or start with the husband the child. How soon after reception contraceptive it is possible to become pregnant? Thanks.

01.09.2004, 12:14
The first time treatment too has not helped or assisted me, on second time have registered tablets - more strongly - fljukostat 150.
Yet a lot of time has passed or has taken place from the moment of reception.

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.09.2004, 00:10
It is necessary to spend complex treatment ketokoonazol or flukonazol + local treatment + immunomodeljator. I believe, that a candidiasis podderzhivalmsja reception OK. To become pregnant it is possible after a cancelling in 2 months.