Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors, I ask you to consult me on a following question....

30.08.2004, 03:10
Dear doctors, I ask you to consult me on a following question. I was operated with the diagnosis " with the Mixed hysteromyoma, disturbance of a delivery of the fibromatous site ". It has been urgently recommended laparaskopicheskaja to operation though the sizes of a uterus were till 10 weeks and the site was greater or big sizes. Operation was complex or difficult in the technical plan as then to me doctors have told or said and on visible the intestine as it or him to me pochemu-that took in has been injured. From an extract: " Subtotal gisterektomijabez pridadkov. Back kolkotomija. " After operation, were very strong svatkoobraznye pains in an intestine. But despite of my complaints and the bad analysis of a blood I have been written out for 6 day. The analysis of a blood: Hb135; Ayr 3, 5 h 10; L8, 010; p/I 2; 75, an ESR 45 mm/ch; urea 5, 8; fiber 84, a glucose 4, 8; a bilirubin 15 3 12. A histology: the Myometrium - site with sites of a necrosis, granules or an edema. Endometry - a hypoplasia endometrija proliferative type.
Question: What to me could make with an intestine? What consequences, complications can be? Thanks Elena

Malanova T.B.
02.09.2004, 16:08
Under your description of wound of an intestine was not, differently you now were not at home. Could be only deserozirovanie loops. Now you can have an adherent or adhesive process.