Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me here what problem. A delay of 6 days, togovo...

30.08.2004, 17:35
Hello the doctor! At me here what problem. A delay of 6 days, togovo when was not. Two tests polozh. I very much wish to be we take. I accepted djufaston the first month at me a weak second phase, and an adenomyosis on rez. US. Me that that pereodicheski nojut very or very much disturbs appendages that slevo spravo, botched work is not present, the breast became sensitive. Whether the doctor tell or say can pull solderings, at me the uterus is rejected in the right and spravoj the parties or sides of more solderings. I very much am afraid extrauterine what there can be prizdnaki.

Ryazanov And.
01.09.2004, 05:27
Olja, certainly, most likely, you are pregnant. You need to address to the doctor.

Ryazanov And.
02.09.2004, 13:42
Olja, certainly, most likely, you are pregnant. You need to address to the doctor.